True Colours - Chapter 3

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Y/N's eyes glittered with glee as he entered the apartment, mouth agape and grinning. It was in a bit of a tip, but it felt so lived in. So warm, so inviting. How fun.

Asuka - "It's just an apartment, get out of my way."

Asuka brushes past Y/N, walking towards the sofa and throwing herself into it, sighing deeply.

Misato - "Well, it's not much but it's home, please make yourself comfortable."

Y/N - "Thank you very much- no, really, thank you so much for letting me stay with you. I promise I'll do the best I can!"

Misato - "Best you can? At what?"

Y/N - "Uh... jobs? Hey, how about I cook dinner? I insist, a thank you for having me."

Misato - "Well, I certainly wouldn't complain."

Shinji - "I'd be happy to not cook for once."

Misato - "Oh come off it, I cook all the time."

The silence that followed was is very telling.

Y/N - "I'll make ramen, sound good? Any allergies?"

Asuka - "Bet you he's gonna poison us, I don't wanna be off work tomorrow!"

Y/N - "Hmm, that's a good point. I think I will poison you."

Asuka scoffs at Y/N's sarcasm, standing up abruptly and marching over to her room.

Asuka - "I'm going to my room- NO ONE BETTER ENTER, Especially you, weirdo!"

Y/N - "Yes Ma'am."

Y/N salutes her as she slams her sliding door shut, leaving Shinji and Y/N in the kitchen as Misato goes to grab something from the fridge.

Misato - "Sorry about her. She grows on you."

Shinji - "Does she?"

Y/N chuckles, turning on the stove and starting to slice up ingredients.

Y/N - "It's fine, I've delt with worse people. The whole act is pretty adorable, unless it's not an act, in which case she'll have to suck it up and get over herself."

Misato - "Aw, you think she's adorable?"

Shinji - "Do not let her hear that."

Y/N - "I'd be dead before 'act'"

They share a light laugh before falling into silence. That silence again, its different this time. Feels more natural, more comfortable. Even then, Y/N remembers the doctor's orders: "No silence for prolonged periods, especially alone. You'll start to hone in on things and forget yourself, your surroundings, your loved ones. You cannot lose yourself and go back to how you were when we found you, especially in battle-"

The stove. On the oven. Metal. 

Grating. Cages.

The pan. Round. large. 

Round and large. 

Wok. The pan is a wok.

The fire. Flame, blue flame. Blue to orange flame.

The oil. 


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