Clearing the Air - Chapter 4

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Asuka couldn't sleep. 

There was no way she could've following her conversation with Y/N. She'd never been spoken down to like that. Everything about the interaction left her pretty shaken. This guy, who she had met a few hours earlier of the day, had proven himself to be this arrogant, loud and quippy stranger. Now... Asuka didn't know what to call him. She thought she had a solid read on him, but he changed so radically that it left her stunned. It wasn't just how he acted. Those things he said...

"I'm not afraid to hurt people."

"And I most certainly am not who you think I am."

"Oho, I assure you I am far from joking. You boss me around? Tell me what to do? I will put you in your fucking place."

"Shut up. Don't play this game with me."

"I can't have anyone pushing me and getting hurt."

"If I go berserk and I'm feeling angry..."

"Do you understand, Asuka, that cannot happen under any circumstance."

Did he mean them as threats? Warnings? Advice? "I'm not afraid to hurt people"... has he hurt others before? Asuka's ledger was most certainly not clean, but it was just Angels. Civilian casualties always weighed on her mind, but that wasn't an active choice. Of course it wasn't. Mercury... what did they make him do? Or did he do it of his own accord? If Y/N is truly a result of those experiments... who knows what he's done. Or what he can do.

The night dragged on.

 Sleep refused to take Asuka, as much as she tried to welcome it. Clearly it didn't take Y/N either; she heard him pace around his room, go to the bathroom, go to the kitchen to get a drink, go back to his room, rinse and repeat. She refused to move. Knowing that Y/N was very much so awake in the room just next to hers shook Asuka. She'd never claim to be scared of someone... but...

She was terrified of Y/N. It was incredibly strange. She had known him for one day! One! And here she was: the great Asuka Langley Soryu hiding under her covers from some rando. She'd rather fight a hundred Angels than face Y/N right now. Yet, as morning crept ever closer, the realisation that she'd soon have to started to cross her mind.

Right, let's think about this logically; she can't ignore Y/N, and most certainly cannot get rid of him. He will be living here with her, Shinji and Misato. He seemed open to try and be friendly with her, which mostly gets rid of the threat behind him. Mostly. Y/N seemed incredibly serious when talking about his limits. Usually, Asuka would love to push people's buttons for her own amusement. However, if she was able to avoid another conversation like the one she just had, she would do almost anything.

God, she hated thinking this way.

This random asshole had her physically shaking and sweating bullets. This smart-arse. This loud-mouth. This idiot. Ugh, she felt so helpless. Not only that, but everyone seemed to love him. He was apparently unbeatable in combat, which she didn't find very likely knowing her skill, but refused to say that to his face, made all those stupid, irritating jokes which really got on her nerves despite how funny they actually may be, and was waaaaaay too try-hard in her opinion. Hmph, guess she'd have to get used to him.

Then again... she would be lying if she said she wasn't slightly intrigued by him. He was a very different person from the types of people she's been working and living with for the past couple years. And despite his less favourable qualities, if he is as strong as everyone says he is he would be a huge help against the Angels. 

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