Showing Off - Chapter 5

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"Well, this has kicked things up a notch, hasn't it?"

Y/N, Asuka, Shinji and Misato were sprinting through NERV HQ upon arrival. Apparently, an Angel had begun to descend onto the city, and all Units were needed effective immediately. It's a good thing Y/N did plenty of cardio and running practice back in Europe, he would've been very out of breath otherwise.

Misato guided them towards the main control room, which was full of large screens monitoring the city. Many workers were rushing about, getting information on the creature's whereabouts and biology. Misato quickly draws attention as she changes into her professional mode.

Misato - "What's going on, people? What do we know?"

A blonde haired woman wearing a lab coat rushes over.

Ritsuko - "Oh good, took you long enough. We are not sure about its exact origins, but it seems to have taken a similar geometric to Ramiel."

She gestures to one of the largest screens, on which a large floating pyramid like structure is gently hovering above a downtown are of Tokyo-3. It appears reflective and smooth, with a deep purple colour. Huh, Y/N didn't think the angels would be so diverse in appearances, but hey.

Y/N - "Hi, nice to meet you; how far is it from here?"

Ritsuko - "Two minutes via the Eva-"

Y/N - "I can make it less than one. Send me out, I'll deal with it."

A silence falls over the room as everyone turns to look at Y/N, seemingly unphased.

Ritsuko - "You'd be killed if you went by yourself, Mr L/N."

Y/N - "Ha, I assure you I won't be. Hey, if I am you get bragging rights."

He begins to walk out towards the hangers, leaving the room in a confused hush. Misato begins to march after him until Gendo walks in, intercepting her. 

Gendo - "Do not follow L/N. He will do as he has asked."

Misato - "Sir, he'll be killed! Out there on his own-"

Gendo - "If he believes he can do it, we shall let him."

Shinji - "You can't be serious!"

Gendo looks at Shinji with an intense look, striking him down instantly. It struck Asuka as... familiar. She could tell he was scared. Like she was. Was Mr Ikari... afraid of Y/N? Or afraid of losing him an as asset?

Asuka - "But there's no way that idiot can-"

Gendo - "Asuka, I've told you to remain civil with Y/N. Any more of this will not be tolerated.

Asuka's eye twitches as she turns to the screens, seeing Y/N enter one of the hangers. He says some stuff to some nearby employees, who quickly sprint out of the room as he remains.

Ritsuko - "What... is he doing?"

The three pilots watch on silently. Shinji was clearly nervous, gripping a nearby chair and sweating. Rei held her blank expression, looking on with a morbid curiosity. Asuka had her hands on her hips, her eyes twitching still and jaw clenched. She wouldn't admit it, but she was nervous. Y/N had been spoken so highly of. Was he truly what everyone said he was?


Y/N had made his way to the hanger he first met everyone in. He started leisurely stretching as he laid his eyes on some nearby workers.

Y/N - "Hey, you guys may wanna clear out. Could you open the door as you go?"

They spin around and see Y/N, realising what's about to happen. They all unanimously sprint out, with the last guy hitting a button before slamming the door shut. The large hanger door began to roll open as Y/N continued stretching.

Your Angel or Your Devil - Asuka Langley x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now