Oversight - Chapter 12

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"Ready to launch!"

"Out the way, people!"

"Ready Y/N?"

"Yes indeed."

"Get going then, the Eva's will catch up"

"Aight, see you out there gang!"

Y/N hops out of the hanger, charging his energy up and flinging himself into the sky once more. He saw the Angel from a mile away, this tall, looming, dark figure staring forward blanky. At him. Huh, good eyesight, may suggest enhanced vision or reflexes. Y/N smirked as he flew forwards towards the creature, kicking himself into a spiralling motion like he did with the last Angel he took down. Hopefully this should be a piece of cake. Two minutes tops and then he can get back to everyone to rub it in Rei's face. She though he can't protect Asuka? This is the perfect opportunity to show off.

Y/N moved the energy to his hands as he released a powerful burst of energy, shooting towards the Angel as he spins faster and faster. Here we go, first contact.

Y/N struck the Angels shoulder, expecting to go straight through it. However, he bounced off of it, the strange carapace reflecting his attack. The force threw the Angel off it's feet, shoving it to the ground and kicking up a cloud of dust. Y/N quickly flipped out of his spiral, pushing himself to the top of a building with another burst of energy and landing gently. Y/N stared intensely at the dust cloud, looking for any sort of movement from the Angel. Had it really only taken one push? Maybe it hit it's head or something-

With a dash of movement a huge arm reached out towards Y/N, trying to grab him, Y/N rolled out of the way, jumping on top of the hand as it smashed into the building. Woah, this thing was fast. Holding the hand down as best he could,. Y/N charged up on of his fists, punching into the back of the hand and cracking the carapace like armour on the Angel's body. Not indestructible, that's good. The Angel yelled out in pain, flinging it's hand and in turn Y/N across a couple streets. Like a cat, Y/N flipped and weaved until he was upright as he soared through the air, gently pushing against one of the nearby buildings and pushing off with a burst of energy. He reached out and hit the creature again, knocking it off of the building and tackling it down back to the street below. Despite the Angel being very tall (about 100 meters or so Y/N had been told, depending on the Angel itself), Y/N was wrestling it as if they were the same size. The core. He was looking for the core. But he couldn't find it anywhere, was it beneath the armour? Guess he'll have to tear it off then.

Y/N pinned the creature to the ground, grabbing nearby chunks of rubble to restrain it's arms and body. The Angel screamed a low deep rumbling cry, shaking the nearby area as Y/N landed and impacted it's chest. In the blink of an eye, Y/N dashed over to the chest piece of armour, scanning for any crevices or dents to start. Luckily, it seemed as if there were some near the neck. Y/N posted up at the neck, digging his feet into it as he started to pull and tear at the flesh connecting the carapace to it's body. He yelled out in exertion, lifting whilst kicking at the tendons sticking the armour to the Angel's skin, trying to block out the desperate screams and yells from it. When it screams like that Y/N almost felt bad.

In a moment of weakness, Y/N stopped pushing as hard. The Angel recognised this and, with incredible speed, wiggled it's arms out from the rumble restraints Y/N had placed on it. It grabbed Y/N with crushing force, balling it's hand into a fist and throwing Y/N through the nearest building. Y/N felt wall after wall give as he was flung through the building, eventually coming to a stop bleeding and bruised and covered in rumble and ruin.

Y/N - "F-Fuck, that hurt..."

He tried to stand up, but he felt a sharp pain shoot through his leg. Looking down, Y/N saw a metallic rod of some sorts impaled through his leg. Ah. That's not good.

Your Angel or Your Devil - Asuka Langley x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now