Waking Up - Chapter 13

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"Are we losing him!?"

"No, but that's no excuse to slow down! Come on people!"

Y/N had been returned to NERV HQ via Asuka and Unit-02, where he was promptly taken, placed on a stretcher and wheeled off to the Medical Wing. Asuka and Shinji trailed behind him, trying their best to keep up with the fleet of doctors that had crowded around Y/N and were yelling to and over one another.

Asuka - "Ugh, GET OUT OF THE WAY!"

Ritsuko turns around, looking at Asuka and stopping her and Shinji in their steps.

Ritsuko - "Asuka please, you two need to leave-"

Asuka - "Like hell we do! Let me see him- I have to see him-!"

Ritsuko - "He will be fine, I promise! You know we have the facilities here to treat him perfectly well-"

Shinji - "B-But his injuries! Please Ms Akagi, he's our friend-"

Ritsuko - "I do not care what he is to you; if you interrupt our procedures, you may end up causing more harm than benefit. This is out of safety. I'm sorry."

Misato marches down the corridor, an angry and concerned look on her face as she struts up to Ritsuko.

Misato - "So what, we just have to sit around and wait!?"

Ritsuko - "Misato, please-"

Misato - "Y/N is more than a teammate, he's more than a friend! He lives with us, he's family! We won't intervene, but you have to let us see him!"

Ritsuko pauses and sighs deeply, rubbing her brow and refusing to look at Misato.

Ritsuko - "You're gonna get me fired one day Misato... you can see him in thirty minutes, okay?"

Misato manages a smile, bowing deeply at Ritsuko as she walks back to join the other doctors. She spins around to Shinji and Asuka, falling to her knees as she hugs them both tightly.

Misato - "Y-You both okay? Any injuries?"

Shinji - "We're fine, thanks... are... you?"

Misato - "Uh... yeah, I'm fine. We've been let off for the rest of the day, so if you two wanna go home you can. But I doubt you do."

She looks at the two of them, who stay firmly stood.

Misato - "Well that's good cause I'm not either. C'mon, we've got thirty minutes to kill."

Asuka - "I'll be in the medical wing. I wanna get in as soon as I can. I'll see you later."

Misato - "Are you sur-?"

Asuka - "Positive."

She stomps off towards the medical wing, clenching her fists and jaw as she tries to reign in her emotions. Y/N wasn't in a state to fight. They both knew it. His mind was probably still racing from him telling her about his past. No way he could've been focused. Asuka spoke under her breath, holding back tears and hitching her breath as she marched.

Asuka - "You d-damn idiot... y-you better pull through..."

She rounded a corner to the waiting room, finding it completely empty. The room itself was sparkling clean, made up of reflective white tiles and fluorescent lights. Two corridors snake off of the room behind the empty desk. Assumedly all hands were on deck for Y/N. She sat down, impatiently tapping her foot against the ground and folding her arms. The room was silent. She had never felt so alone. To know that Y/N was probably just down the corridor being saved from death shook her to her core. And Rei - what on earth was Rei talking about? Does she not like Y/N or something? Or is it the opposite; she does like Y/N and is trying to get Asuka away from him. Rei had a very cryptic way of doing things, but this distrust seemed ungrounded.

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