A Confrontation - Chapter 10

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"We have to talk."

Asuka had marched into Y/N's room, hands on hips and with a determined, almost worried expression. She hadn't been able to get her mind off of Y/N's medical scans from the other day. After actually confessing she has feelings for him to Rei, all of these strange feelings she's been facing have made obvious sense. Yes, she was in denial. Yes, she thought it was anger and fear and all sorts. Yes, she was slightly attracted to both the calmer and funny side of Y/N and the serious and kind of scary side of Y/N. Anyway...

Asuka - "I saw your..."

She pauses and looks away momentarily. This stuff seemed really private; was she overstepping on his personal boundaries? Y/N was always pretty open, but she knew that he suffered from his past greatly. Did she have a right to know? Of course she did, she's his teammate! She's his friend! Well, she liked to think so. If he didn't then this would totally be an overstep. 

Y/N - "My what? See me naked or something?"

God she wished.

Asuka - "N-NO! Nothing like that, y-you perv!"

Y/N - "Alright, go on then."

She took another deep breath before coming out with what she wanted to say.

Asuka - "I saw your scans. Your x-ray scans. I need you to-"

Asuka was cut off. Y/N had, in the blink of an eye, dashed out of his bed and cupped his hand over her mouth. He was staring at her intensely. That stare. Like the one he gave her when he talked about his past.

Y/N - "Don't. Do not."

Asuka - "W-What?"

Y/N - "Stop. Please. Let's not talk about this."

Asuka - "B-But your body! I-It's..."

Y/N looked down. His eyes were glowing gold slightly. It felt subconscious.

Y/N - "I know..."

His voice was chilling. He spoke in barely a whisper, croaky and destroyed. This only peaked Asuka's curiosity further. What was so bad that he couldn't even talk about it?

Asuka - "Look, I get what you went through was bad. Really bad. I just wanna know how your body got all-"

Y/N - "And I'm telling you I'm not gonna tell you."

He looked back at her. His stare had hardened slightly, his brow was more furrowed and his clasp around her mouth slightly stronger. 

Asuka - "B-But I'm..."

Y/N - "You're what? A friend? A teammate? I agree, but you are not my therapist."

He pauses for a second before he continues, un-cupping Asuka's mouth and patting her shoulders apologetically. The golden glow in his eyes is still there, flowing gently into some of the surrounding veins in his face. 

Y/N - "If I told you... anything... about what I've done? Or what I've been through? You would never view me the same way again. Everything you think about me would change. I... don't want that. I don't want to rely on you as some trauma dump, you're a human being, you're a friend to me. And while hopefully I'm a friend to you, I just think that..."

He trails off. Asuka's eye twitches slightly as she feels herself getting angrier.

Asuka - "What, don't think my dumb little mind can take it? Think I'll weep in sorrow? Y/N I don't fucking care about where you came from or where you are now, all I care about is who you are. And I know you! You're this... strong and powerful person that I really admire."

Your Angel or Your Devil - Asuka Langley x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now