Chapter 12 is discovered

Depuis le début

"Brother, if there is nothing else, we will leave first."

"Brother don't worry, today brother just got a snow rabbit, stay and eat together before you go."

In the inner disciple area, the two girl servants finished their work and were about to leave, but this inner disciple took the initiative to invite them.

It is not uncommon for the inner and outer disciples to invite the servant disciples to dinner. In the past, when the servant disciples were invited, they were indeed ecstatic and would not refuse.

In addition, the snow rabbit is a demon beast of the Erba Sutra, and eating it is good for cultivation.

But at the moment, the two women were only thinking about going to the kitchen to cook, and refused to do so without thinking.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I still have things to do. I hope you don't blame me."

"Well, then I won't force you, you two sisters take it easy."

"Thank you very much, brother."

Refusing the inner door brother, the two women immediately strode and rushed directly to the foot of the mountain. Looking at the back of the two women quickly moving away, the inner door disciple also sighed with a face.

"It seems that there is indeed something urgent, which has erupted out of the speed of the cultivation of the body."

If it is not really urgent, who will have nothing to play with the life of the crazy run.

You should know that there is no spiritual force in the body, and full sprint is a great consumption of physical strength.

However, these two young girl handyman disciples did not hesitate at all. They just ran with their lives.

Feeling in the heart, but if the inner door brother knew that the two women did this only to go to the kitchen to occupy a good position, I do not know what will be the idea.

From all directions, there were handyman disciples running with their lives. Many disciples who saw this scene along the way were confused.

"What's wrong with these handyman disciples?"

"I don't know, is there something wrong at home?"

"The dog, what, a family accident can explain, this fucking family has an accident? I've seen more than a dozen handyman disciples like this all the way."

I don't understand it at all. What's more, when these servants were running, they were still Shouting.

"You run slowly, I can't keep up."

"If you can't keep up, rest assured, I'll help you eat your share."

"My God, you want to eat my food."

"Said, as if hit chicken blood general chase up.

Half an hour before dinner, there was already a long queue outside the kitchen, and Lu Youyou and Liu Frost were prominent in the list, but the two women came a little late, and did not rank first, but it was still a front.

The line continued to the outside of the yard. Everyone was looking at the kitchen with their necks stretched out eagerly, waiting for the meal to begin.

"What are you doing here?"

Just then, at the end of the procession, a bad old man asked the servants in front of him.

Hearing the words, the handyman disciple turned his head to take a look, and did not recognize the old man is the Lord of Shenjianfeng wine sword Hongzun.

After all, it was difficult for them to contact even their own disciples, let alone the Lord of Yifeng, and it was very good to talk to some outer gate deacons on weekdays.

He didn't recognize Hong Zun, but the handyman disciple explained it enthusiastically.

"This is Shenjianfeng Kitchen. We are all here to eat. Predecessors are here............ ?"

"Me? I'm here to eat, too."

Smell speech, hong Zun did not expect Lu Youyou and Liu frost these two wench, rushed here in a hurry, is to eat, and here is his God Jianfeng kitchen.

A little strange for a moment, but also very curious, simply plan to see what is going on in this small kitchen, will attract two of his disciples into this.

Hearing that Hong Zun was also here for dinner, the handyman disciple didn't think much of it, but just reminded him.

"It's okay to eat, but according to the rules, everyone has to wait in line."

'In line? Me too?"

Hearing this, Hong Zun leng, his own master of a peak, to the kitchen to queue for dinner?

Just for his doubts, this handyman disciple is not empty at all, but pointed to the front, it is in the courtyard gate corner Lu Youyou and Liu Frost.

"Do you see those two senior sisters? They are their own disciples, but they also have to abide by the rules of the house, so seniors..........."

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