Hogwarts feels more like HOME

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Saturday June 19th  1993

The loud noises of all the students are ringing in my ears as I'm sitting at the Slytherin table with my brother and our friends. Everyone is greeting a welcome back to Sir Nicholas the ghost because he was among the petrified. My head suddenly perks up when I hear Ron's voice yelling "Harry it's Hermione." My eyes dart to the entrance and I see Hermione running towards Harry and Ron. She gives Harry a big hug and as she pulls away she changed her mind and gives Ron a handshake.

"May I have your attention, please?" Professor McGonagall announced clinking her glass with a utensil. Dumbledore stands. "Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madam Pomfrey, whos Mandrake juice had been so successfully administered, to all who had been Petrified." Everyone applauds the teachers for their wonderful job. I notice Draco next to me with a sour face and not clapping. "Also, in light of the recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been cancelled." All the students cheer and clap some more but deep down I know that Hermione and Atticus would be disappointed.  

"Sorry I'm late." The cheering and clapping is interrupted by Hagrid stomping through the doors. "The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol." Hagrid says walking down the isle. I know whos owl that is. That's Ron's stupid owl. The twins told me at the start of the year the bird flew into the window while it was delivering their Hogwarts letters for the year. Hagrid stops in front of Harry Ron and Hermione and says something to them I cant quite hear. Moments later Harry steps up on the seat and talks to Hagrid. "There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid." Harry gives Hagrid a big hug. Dumbledore and some of the teachers stand up and start applauding Hagrid while the rest of the students stand up and join in and cheer. Crabbe and Goyle are about to stand up but a furious Draco pulls them down. As I stand up and applaud I swat Draco's hand away before he tries to pull me down. 

Wednesday, June 30th 1993

Today is the day I have to unfortunately go home. I let out a big sigh and start packing my suitcase. I meet Atticus at the Thestral carriages and we both say our goodbyes to Alex and Atti and jump on  and head to the train station. "Mental year.." I mutter looking out at the Black lake thinking about how much I'm going to miss this place. "Many more to come." Atticus says patting my shoulder. I turn towards him and smile. "You're a bad influence on me Grey." I say grinning even more. "You love it." Atti replies. "Yeah, I do." I laugh. 

On the long train ride home I decide to catch up with the twins. I walk down the corridor looking in each cabin until I see Fred and George sitting together laughing away. I open the door slowly. "What's going on here." I blurt out making them both jump with fright. George's face turns red when he realises it's me walking in. I sit on the seat with my back to the window and put my legs out on the seat. "Soo what are you two scheming now." I say finally looking at them in the other seat. They grin at each other and they tell me all about their dreams to eventually open up their own Joke shop and sell their own creations. 

We laugh and talk the whole train ride, which is good because it takes my mind off all the trouble I'd be In when I get home.

I guess I should be used to it by now.

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