Quidditch World Cup

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22nd August 1994

"Get out of bed Draco" My father yells from the bottom of the stairs, while I'm sitting quietly at the breakfast table. "Your sister had already eaten, hurry up" Father yells again as a yawning Draco comes wandering down the stairs. Draco mumbles and groans as he makes his way to the kitchen. "Why aren't you excited, Draco. We get to go to the Quidditch World cup." I tell him. "I am, its just way too early in the morning." He mumbles, before stuffing his face with some bacon. I sigh as I get up from the table and head up to my room to get ready.

After I shower and dry off, I find myself looking at my reflection in the mirror again. Tears start forming in my eyes as I trace my fingers over the big scratches on the left side of my chest and lastly I look down at my right wrist, staring at the bite marks that stand out. I pull myself together and walk out of my room, deciding to wear some black skinny jeans, paired with a long sleeve green sweater. I look in my mirror in my room at my scars again, as mother walks into my room and stands behind me. "You still look as beautiful as ever dear. George will agree." She says tucking my now permanent blonde shoulder length hair behind my ears, making me blush. When I became a werewolf I was unable to use my Metamorphmagus ability. 

Yes I told my mother about George Weasley and how he makes me feel when I'm abound him. She knows about all of my friends including Alex and Atti. I know she wont tell father about it because she want to stay on his good side, like we all do. 

She hands me my black scarf, I smile and wrap it around my neck, hiding my scars. "You better get downstairs, or your father will start yelling" "Thanks mum. I will be down in a second." I smile as she walks out my door. I smile again thinking about George and hoping I get to see him at the Quidditch World cup. I slip on my black combat boots and head downstairs to apparate to the grounds. Father pulls me aside as I walk down the stairs, "Now, tonight is special. The Deatheater's are going to cause havoc after the match and after the dark mark is in the sky we are going to be apparated to the Dark Lord to discus what will be happening this year. This will be your initiation to become one of us." He tells me with a stern look on his face. I look at him and nod in agreement, feeling slightly scared and overwhelmed. 

We get there just in time and make our way with father up to the Ministers box. "Blimey, dad. How far up are we?" I hear the all too familiar voice of Ron above me. "We'll put it this way. If it rains, you'll be the first to know." My father speaks up. "Father, Asteria and I are in the minister's box. By personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge, himself." My brother boasts, I let out a sigh. "Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people." Father scowls, hitting Draco in the chest with his cane. Harry turns to leave, but Lucius stops him by latching his cane on to Harry's foot. "Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can." Lucius speaks suspiciously. Although I know what he meant, for all the dangers Harry is to await this year. I am to be responsible for some.

The group continues up the stairs but I notice Atti staying behind. I try to sneak up the stairs towards him but I am stopped by my fathers cane latching onto my boot like he did with Harry.  "And where do you think you're going?" He growls "Please, father. I won't ask for anything else! I just want to watch the game with my friends tonight! Please!" I beg him. He looks at Atti for a moment before looking back at me. "Fine. But you know when you must be back." He replies through his teeth. "Thank you, father!" I exclaims in excitement as I grab Atti's arm, leading him further up the stairs. But now Atti is stopped by my father. "Don't think I don't know you were in my house, boy. Another move like that, and I will see you personally and permanently expelled." He growls at Atti. "Yes, sir." Atti replies sarcastically, saluting to him before we both run up the stairs giggling together as we catch up with the Weasleys.

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