The Sentence

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"Broaden your minds. You must look beyond. The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the Inner Eye. Only then can you see." Professor Trelawney announces, loudly waving her arms around as we all look into crystal balls on our tables. I gaze into the crystal ball, clouds swirling around inside. "Now, what do we have here?" Professor Trelawney asks Ron and Harry, jolting Ron awake from his snoring. "Oh do you mind me trying? Hermione asks. "Ahh' the professor says excitedly. This isn't going to go well, I think to myself. "The Grim, possibly." Hermione continues. "My dear, from the first moment you stepped foot in my class I sensed that you did not posses the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. No, you see, there." She picks up Hemiones hand reading her palm. "You may be young in years, but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shriveled as and maids, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave." 

That's got to hurt, it hurt me and she wasn't even speaking to me. Hermione reacts by pulling her hand away and standing up, pushing the crystal ball off the table, making it roll out the door and down the stairs, with her following behind. "Have I said something" Professor Trelawney speaks confused. Draco and I snicker at her confused response. "Is she serious" Theo asks from beside me. "No clue, she's mental" I add. "You got that right" Draco agrees. Draco pulls me out of the class as soon as it ends, I don't hesitate to oblige. I don't want her craziness to rub off on me. 

After a rather uneventful care of magical creatures class. Draco follows me as I head to dinner in the great hall, I'm in a rush cause I haven't eaten anything all day but just as we sit down Draco proceeds to tell me that father had a meeting today at the Ministry and has ordered Buckbeak to be sentenced to death at 8pm tonight. So after dinner Draco drags me with the boys to head down to the pillars that watch over Hagrid's hut to watch the show. I notice Buckbeak chained up in Hagrid's garden, sitting amongst the pumpkins. 

"What did I tell you?" Draco says kneeling on the hill, looking into his binoculars. Theo and Goyle leaning over Draco, as I lean against another pillar looking in the opposite direction. "Father said I can keep the hippogriff's head. I think I'll donate it to the Gryffindor's common room." Draco tells everyone. That did not go well with me as I feel my eyes start to well up. I look up trying to ignore what he said and see Hermione, Harry, Ron, Alex and Atti standing at the bridge entrance, I force out a smile. "This is going to be rich" Draco retorts, as Hermione stomps over towards the boys. "Look, who's here." Crabbe mutters, looking behind him. 

"Ahh! Come to see the show?" Draco asks like he's excited about what's about to go down. "You! You foul, loathsome evil little cockroach!" Hermione yells, holding her wand out to Draco's throat. "Hermione, no!" Ron blurts out, weirdly being the voice of reason. "He's not worth it" Ron adds. That's better. I snicker to myself as I hear Draco start whimpering like a baby. Hermione lowers her wand and turns, making Draco chuckle. Suddenly she turns back and punches Draco right in the face. "Malfoy, are you okay?" Crabbe asks, as the boys help Draco up and run off, leaving me in shock. "Nice one, wish I had done that." I let out a smile. "That  felt good" Hermione replies, smiling also. "Not good, brilliant." Ron exclaims. 

"Do you guys want to come see Hagrid, too. Were going to try and cheer him up a bit" Hermione asks, turning to face Alex, Atti and I. "Ah, no thank you, Hermione. We'll stay here and make sure those cockroaches don't come back." Atti responds with a smile. Hermione smiles back and nods before the three of them take off to Hagrid's. 

"D'you you think they'll come back?" Atti asks us as we make our way to keep a look out on the bridge. Alex leans on one of the walls as we continue talking. I shake my head. "Nah, he'll be in the hospital wing complaining about his nose." I say grinning, making Alex and Atti laugh. Soon we see Professor Dumbledore, Cornelius Fudge the Minister of Magic and the Executioner walk past. "You three better make your way back inside." Dumbledore instructs. "Yes, sir.." We all say in unison. 

We watch as they make their way down the path, then into Hagrid's Hutt as Harry, Ron and Hermione escape out the back door and hide behind the pumpkins out of sight from the Headmaster, Minister and Executioner. We then watch as the trio make their way back up to us, their faces red from their trek back up the hill.

Moving over to join the trio at the top of the hill, looking over Hagrid's Hutt, the six of us stand and watch the Executioner walk out of the Hut, scythe in hand. "I can't watch!" I cry, before wrapping my arms around Atti, sobbing into his shoulder. He rubs my back softly. I hear the sound of his scythe impaling Buckbeak echoing throughout the grounds. As I'm still hugging Atti, I feel another arm wrap around the both of us. I don't lit up my head, but assume its Alex. I hear Hermione gasp and sob a little also.

like the rat can understand him.

Then I jump at the sound of Ron's voice. "Scabbers, you bit me!" He scolds the rat, like the rat can understand him. We follow Ron as he runs after his rat. "Guys, you do realize what tree this is?" Hermione asks, coming to a stop. "That's not good... Ron! Run!" Harry yells out. "Run! It's the Grim!" Ron exclaims, pointing behind us. There, standing on all fours is a shaggy, black dog. The Grim. The dog growls, running towards us before jumping over us, charging straight towards Ron. He bites down on Ron's leg before dragging him along the grass. Harry and Hermione chase them until the dog drags him down into a tunnel under the tree. This is the whomping willow.. Suddenly a branch whips Harry and Hermione back towards us, causing them to land on top of us. Groaning, we all stand back up, still hearing Ron's screams. "Come on!" Harry instructs before we all start running, trying to dodge the branches as we make our way to the tunnel. Harry is knocked to the ground as different branches launch myself, Atti and Alex and Hermione up into the air. I close my eyes as I hold onto the branch for dear life. I hear the others scream, their voices getting quieter as we are swaying around. My fingers start to get numb from holding onto the branch too tight. It gets more violent and shakes me off. I find myself soaring through the air, the breeze blowing my hair everywhere, blurring my vision. 

Father's Little DeatheaterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora