After fighting his inner demons and losing he let both of his palms stroke the other's thighs delicately. Hongjoong who was looking at his hands froze, eyes flying to reach the younger's. "Does that make you feel uncomfortable?" Jongho asked, making sure that he wasn't overstepping boundaries.

When Hongjoong shyly shook his head, Jongho took the initiative to slide his hand higher, hiding under the tee. "Does it make you feel good?" Jongho whispered with lust creeping in his voice. Hongjoong suddenly lost of voice, nodded his head; his breath coming out heavier. Jongho sucked a breath in.

Jongho wanted to ravish the boy since the moment he opened the door and honestly he is mad strong for holding on for so long.

"Hongjoong do you want to kiss me?" Jongho asked, as he noticed the other's eyes returning to his lips more and more as the seconds ticked away.

Hongjoong's eyes widened once again, embarrassed he was caught staring. "Yes" he mumbled shyly. "Then what are you waiting for?" The purple head responded before grabbing Hongjoong's cheek with one hand, the other behind the boy's head to push it towards his.

The older felt his stomach releasing butterflies at the hungry, passionate kiss that followed. After a battle of tongues which Jongho single-handedly won they pulled away, eyes hooded due to lust. Knocking his forehead against the older's Jongho let a strangled groan out. "You're driving me crazy Hongjoong" he moaned when he felt his cock hardening with deep sexual desire.

Hongjoong chuckled at the younger's neediness. Lust overpowering the usual embarrassment he seemed to be born with. Cocking his head to the side he grinned when they made eye contact. "Don't look at me like that" Jongho scolded with a stern voice.

Hongjoong raised a teasing eyebrow; continuing to grin unfaltering. "Hongjoong. If you don't stop it I will bend you over in a minute" Jongho warned trying to hold his hormones intact.

"What if I want you to?" Hongjoong said biting his lower lip.

With the loud exhale of breath that followed Jongho slid a palm to the other's butt, squeezing it hard. Hongjoong mewled at the action, bucking his hips uncontrollably.

"Jongho.." Hongjoong moaned as the younger buried his head into his neck, his wet muscle tickling his skin deliciously.

Jongho bit the sensitive skin before sucking hard enough to leave another one of his purple blotches behind. Hongjoong's hand snuck to the boy's shorter hair pulling it as the pleasure became a bit too much when Jongho pinched his nipple. When the older's nipples became perky enough Jongho grabbed the ends of the black tee, lifting it slightly before he paused waiting for permission. Hongjoong nodded his head hurriedly, he wants this. He needs this.

Discarding the clothe he threw it somewhere behind them, Jongho's dick twitching at the sight of Hongjoong's slightly toned body. Sliding his hands on the smooth chest Jongho groaned before he leaned his head to kitten lick one of the nubs. Hongjoong bit harder at his lip, head loosing strength as it fell back. It's been a while since he last was intimate with someone and right now that someone being Jongho is way too much for him to handle.

Hongjoong got rid of any hesitation and dropped his hand down, right on top of the younger's hardening cock. Jongho was wearing once again one of his lethal leather pants, which at this point let little to nothing for the imagination. Hongjoong put pressure on the length, feeling the size of it with his fingers.

"Oh god" moaned Jongho, letting his head bang against the backrest of the sofa. At that Hongjoong attached his teeth on the younger's tanner skin, sucking to leave his own love bites behind. "You're too dressed Jongho" Hongjoong half moaned half whined as his free hand was dragging the shirt down, to reveal more skin.

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