"Let me go after Khaotung, you go with your mom. She heard your argument."

Phayu then grabbed his jacket to chase after Khaotung, while First could only sigh as he looked at his mother who also looked back with a guilty look.


Khaotung was apparently on the bridge at this moment when Phayu arrived.
For the first time, cigarettes couldn't even calm down the frantic Khaotung.
Phayu didn't say anything right away, he just kept quiet as he stood by him.

"I really can't," Khaotung said.

"I understand, you can't."

Khaotung then sighed again and turned to look at the apartment building. "His mother is not in our life plan."

"But if he really wants to live a better life according to his version, just do it alone with his mother. I'll leave, I'll live alone and solve everything by myself."

"I'll go back to my principles, I won't hesitate anymore, Phayu."

Khaotung said all his words with a faltering breath, he poured it all out to Phayu who just silently listened.
Khaotung looked so confident in his decision, but Phayu could see deeper if he did it with sadness.

"You were so confident about living a life with First yesterday, you said no matter what happens you and he won't let go of each other's hands," Phayu retorted.

"His mother is out of my plans."

"Khanapan's arrival too, isn't it?"


"What are you talking about?"

Khaotung turned his body around again, then stared at the street filled with vehicles.

"Did he sway you?"

Khaotung then turned to Phayu. "Today I was visited by a debt collector I've never met before."

Phayu raised one eyebrow. "Another debt of your father's that you just found out about?"

"They said that my parents fled Thailand using the borrowed money, fake land titles were another problem. I have to pay more than the money he borrowed."

Okay, Phayu understands now.

"Khanapan forced you to give up the First and pay your father's debt?"

"He begged me, and he promised a better life for First and his mother if I let First go for him.
Why would I keep him if all she would get was endless poverty?"

Phayu no longer tried to advise Khaotung, hisbdifficult life indeed left him with no other choice.

"This is just a momentary love, Even i can hate those who brought me into this world. Forgetting about it and starting a new life doesn't seem to be difficult."

Phayu then pulled Khaotung into his arms, as someone who came from the same downfall Phayu felt the burden.

"I will be with you, whatever you decide."

First saw that, how Khaotung hugged Phayu back tightly.
He had spoken to hisbmother, telling him all about his current situation with Khaotung.
His mother understood, and promised that she would not interfere with the things that the two of them had agreed upon, she also promised not to be a burden when living together.
Mrs. Khanapan had apparently brought money, money that did not belong to Khanapan or anyone else.
First would use it to rent the apartment next door.

He wanted to find Khaotung and talk to him again after he felt that he had calmed down, but all he saw was Khaotung who was so comfortable in Phayu's arms.

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