Two Co-Workers

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Surveyor x Trickster


I wonder when I started to look at you this way.

"Handle this for me will you, Surveyor?"

"Sure, sir."

When simple curiosity changed into a deeper interest.

After all, outside of work there was not much for us to say, you were my subordinates, I your superior, and that was all there was to our relationship. You were pretty adamant on that fact too, making it harder to break the wall between us. I think the first time we even really talked was thanks to Whiplash.

"Com'on boss, you can't keep ditching us every single time!"

"I don't this my presence would be very appropriate."

"That's nonsense, the more the merrier don't you think, Surveyor?"

"I... don't have any issue with that."

Your answer couldn't have been more enthusiastic that day. Yet, for some reason I still agreed to join. I think the atmosphere was a bit awkward in the beginning. Whiplash was too busy talking to the girls while you and I sat next to each other, sipping our respective drinks silently. Although surprisingly, it was as if we formed a bond over that peaceful moment where no words were exchanged and I went back home feeling less bored than I always did.

I remember you started talking to me more often at work after that day at the restaurant. It was funny to see you try so hard to make some chit-chat. Without noticing, I grew accustomed to hearing you talk about the weather and small things like these.

It was a big contrast with when you were doing your reports to me, half covered in blood, making my hair grow whiter every single day just thinking about how reckless and careless you might have acted and I wish you would do a cleaner work.

Today, you were the one to ask to go to the restaurant. Not Whiplash but you, and just the two of us. My lips accepted the offer before my brain could think and now I find myself wondering which tie I should wear. Does it really matter? Not really. But maybe I'm waiting for you to make a move by noticing that small change. Even in the case I'm asking for too much, I know the evening will be pleasant in your company.

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