Poems From White

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"These are beautiful poems, Mr.White!"

The white-haired man flinched in surprise, snapped out of his thoughts by the cheerful voice of his co-worker. A faint blush tainted his cheeks as he did not expect anyone to find out about the countless sheets of paper spread out on his desk, he was not really the organized type.

"Oh, thank you, Lady Truth. This is just a hobby of mine that I do during my free time."

"That's just lovely! I wonder though, this 'gray cat' that you mention, does it mean anything? It seems to appear quite a few times..."

White's head started to hurt as he thought about the answer to this question, the pain was so harsh he felt like he was about to pass out. It almost felt like the day Truth and Inference found him under the rain was yesterday. It had been a year though and his memory was still as hazy as the gloomiest days in London. Of course he asked for advice from a doctor, but even the most skilled one in the capital could do nothing for the man.

Even after consulting many, only the same things came out of their chapped lips: time alone would help him heal.

"A-Are you alright-!?"

"I am, don't worry..."

He let out a weak laugh to reassure the blonde. Truth was not dumb however, it was not the first time such an accident happened. It was not occasional in fact, every time White tried to remember his past it was as if something restrained him from finding out about the most likely dark memories.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Mr.White."

"I will, thanks for worrying."

The woman nodded with a smile before leaving his office, not wanting to bother him too long so he could rest for a bit. 

White quickly cleaned up his desk before sitting on the sofa, the pile of poems between his hands as he read the written lines once more. The gray cat, he did not know exactly what it meant but this cat appeared in his dreams almost every time and each time he tried to get closer, the small ball of fur only went farther away from him, filling him with an endless sadness.

Before he knew it, tears started to run down his cheeks. White touched the wet spots under his eyes and laughed out of desperation.

What was it that he ignored?

Whatever it was, it hurt him so much.

He wished it was all a nightmare that dragged on for too long but he also felt like he should not try to discard these feelings and they were the clue behind this enigma. 

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