You know you're human when...

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You know you're human when 


lie, cheat , and steal

has this philosophy 


the world is 

based of the strong

so you become 

a con artist

and make other people suffer

while you climb the ranks

to find out 

at the top

nothing's there 

its completely empty

you thought you'd find happiness 

at the top

but only more pain

you look to you're friends

but find out

they're fake

and left your true friends

at the bottom 

of this hill called life 

there's only one high point 

on this mountain

then you climb down 

till death

You climbed too fast

and now you're out of energy

so you climb down slowly

making the pain that much harder to bear

what come around 

goes around.

You're not human if 

You take it slow 

knowing that

life is short 

so you enjoy the climb

and go up even farther


people will cut your rope 

making you restart

but you will catch even more wonder 

than you did before

you know what to do

cause you did it before

now if the rock you slipped on earlier is still there

you can say

I won't climb that rock cause I know I'll slip

You fight throuh the boulders of pain, hurt, lies ,depression ,and worry

hang on

even if you're hit

You help others 

when they are hit 

to climb back up

you recognize 

you're not perfect

and that you 

make mistakes 

and do wrong 

but don't beat yourself up about it

you know 

that haters will only push you on

and trials will make you stronger


Are you a human?

Thoughts in OblivionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora