Lies we tell ourselves , people, and the world

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1. We're not lying

2. We didn't do anything

3. I love you

4. I'll do it later

5. I wasn't talking about you

6.This will hurt me more than it will hurt you

7. I only tell the truth

8. I didn't drink last night

9. Nice hair

10. this hair is real

11. I will never hurt you

12. I'm here to help you

13. I  would never do that

14. I'll be there for you

15. I'll be with you

16. Don't worry

17. I'm alright

18. I'm just tired

19.I don't like him anymore

20. I'm virgin

21. I don't like him

22. I hate you

23. I'll never do it again

24. Parents are here to guide you

25. I'll be back

26. It's not hard

27. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names with never hurt me.

28. I understand what you're going through

29. Your dreams will come true.

30. Help is always here 

31. Be yourself and you'll get friends.

32. You're a nice person.

33. Everyone is beautiful in their own way

34. It's fine

35 I'll be alright

36. My house my rules

37 you're a kid, you don't know anything

38 No one loves you

39 Its for the best

40 We've been through more than you have

41 You'll get over it

42Laugh and the world laughs with you.

43 It can't be helped

44 I tried

45 We know you better than you know you.

46 Dreams do come true.

47 Honesty is the best policy

48 Be true to yourself

49 What goes around come around 

50. You're not alone

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