Rumor has it

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Rumor has it 


you did this 

you are that

Rumor has it 


He said this


He did that

and now 

you're that

Why does it seem 

that every sentence we say

starts with

he said 

she said

I heard that

They and 


We think that?

If we have so much to tell

why don't we tell it directly?

there would be no more 

He said 

She said 

They said

but we still insist

on being cowards

and no talking 

face to face

because you're afraid

of what might be said

or done

to your face

so you hide it 


layers of friends

so you wont get hurt

or you spread them around 

to put down other people

so they wont reach 

Your high horse

that you sit your ass on

all day

and do nothing 


someone gets close 

to bringing you down

so you spread a lie 

that has no basis

and kill them off

your only weapon is rumors

and until people have enough sense

to know that your lying 

You can't be stopped

but one day

that quiet nerdy girl

you like to tease 

will lose all sense 

of mercy

and tell you off 

exposing you whole

making you look retarded

but you already were 

believing you were going to

sit high forever 


thats not how it works

what comes up

must come down 


You'll come down


so you wont 



are just lies 


too many times 

and all lies 

must come 

to the 


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