Dreaming an Unreal Dream

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Every passage, every poem

Every piece of work 

Every story, Every song

Every sketch of art

Every writing, Every word

Every wise philosophy

Every letter , Every lyric

Every line of notes

Whether its writing,music,or art

I never forget to add my heart

My passion,My soul,My personality

All in the face of reality

Every rude comment, Even in ridicule

My mind , My voice

are my precious jewels

Every oppressive, mental abuse

will never turn my heart alose

My voice will never be weary

My opinion never varied

Speaking my mind will never grow old

Speaking my heart is forever bold

I'll make my heart shatter the chains 

that fetter my sorrow , hatred and pain

But right now I sit in silence and shame 

With society's judgement 

That I am insane.

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