Part 5. The Garden Of the Witch.

Start from the beginning

"You tell me, Brother." Said the girl...

"I Didn't think I would encounter a girl like you here, but I must say that I am not the Arthur Pendra-" Said Arthur only to be interrupted...

"I know, You are Arthur Allen, Brother Of Morgan Allen, Son of a father who refused his children and a mother who died two months before you. My Brother." Said the girl... Each time the girl said more and more, Arthur's face turned from a frown to a soft face that threatened tears...

"Morgan..." Said Arthur firmly as tears threatened to spill from their eyes as the girl that is his sister must have died as well, and met a grim fate...

"Arthur..." Said Morgan who did not seem to have the same longing as her brother, yet she did have some degree of nostalgia in her...

"I would have never thought I'd see you out of trousers." Said Morgan giggling...

"Ah... Neither did I." Said Arthur, acknowledging once more that she was wearing a dress. 

"Don't worry, you still look great... just, a little more lush." Said Morgan...

"And I never thought that you would dress... That you would show... that you-" Said Arthur, Unaccepting that the one who was the 16 year old little girl he knew would dress like that...

"That I would wear something that looks like this? But, I suppose I still look rather great." Said Morgan. She didn't mind the cold at all...

"How long have you been around here?" Said Arthur, not knowing how long ago did Morgan die... This saddened Arthur...

"For more than 700 Years." Said Morgan...



"Is that so..." Said Arthur, having received an explanation of Morgan... Yet his instinct and experience with his little sister told him that she was lying... This saddened Arthur. She had been this far long in this world, yet not told the truth about what she did in this time... They where lying down together in the snow, Arthur felt like frostbite was inevitable yet was fine.

(The truth will be revealed in arc 4! In a trial with Echidna!)

"Indeed, Brother." Said Morgan...

"So are you like my big sister now?" Said Arthur almost like a joke, trying to lighten the mood...

"Well, It is quite refreshing for you to act like you always do, so please do not try to change... Although you now are a girl, know that you are still my dear brother." Said Morgan warmly...

"This snow is rather cold... But I can guess you have some degree of control over this...." Said Arthur...

"This is something I would call... A garden, based on my subconscious mind that creates a dream-like place that I do not have control over-"

"Rubbish. You are totally lying, Morgan." Said Arthur... Arthur did not want to walk to the snow, yet Arthur wanted to make a snowball, and yeet it at Morgan.

"Maybe. Do you wanna build a snow man?" Said Morgan smiling...

"Or ride a bike around the park?" Arthur and Morgan where lying in the snow almost as if it was a bed, and so, they turned to each other smiling at the song of a movie they had seen recently... Or rather recently in Arthur's point of view.

"I never see you anymore, come out the door and lets go and play." 

"We used to be best buddies."

"But now we're not."

"I wish you could tell me Whyyyy."

*Synchronous clicking tongues with slight giggles.*

"Do you wanna build a snow man?" 

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