No.18 Strike

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Staple was still curled up in a ball in a cage, some people were transferring the cage into a different room. The cage was then tossed into a dark room "Wait here, and don't get any ideas on escaping again" someone said and left the room. Now it being pitch black.

Staple used her electric powers to spark some light in the room, she looked at what she can barley see in the room. It was oh so familiar, it was like it was only yesterday.


A little young Staple, 5 years old was tossed into a bright room, trapped in a cage. She curled up into ball and cried her eyes out "Hello?" she heard someone outside the cage speak, she looked up and saw a boy the same age as her standing outside the cage. He had cat ears, and his face was similar to Candy's.

Staple immediately backed away in fear "Oh don't worry, I won't hurt you" he reassured. Staple seemed to have calmed down a little. She tilted her head and crawled closer to the cat boy "What's your name?" he asked.

Staple tilted her head again, seeming to be a little confused by his words. The cat boy hummed "Don't talk much? Well, that's okay. I'm called Ghost" he announced. Staple blinked at him, she stuck her arm out of the cage and pointed up.

Ghost looked at where she was pointing and saw the top of the cage was titled 'Subject 001' he frowned and shook his head "That won't do. You need a real name" he looked around the room with a thinking face "Hmmm" on a desk he saw some staples next to a stapler, he then looked at her fangs.

"AHA! Staple! From now on your name is Staple" he announced. She blinked at him once again "Ss...St...aa..ple..." she struggled to say. Ghost lit up "You can speak! Phew" he said in relief. He looked at Staple again "Hey, you know what helps me when I feel down? Do a little song" he said.

Staple tilted her head curiously "S..on..g?" she once again struggled to say. Ghost nodded "A coping mechanism. Let me start, or.... do the whole song" he announced, he cleared his throat.

*As the World Caves In*

Staple trembled but smiled, at least she has something to keep her standing.


Staple went back to her present situation, still in that dark room in a cage with the only light being her electricity. She remembers the many songs her and Ghost did to cope, some were even from the top their heads. But for Staple had only one thing in her head, or rather one person.

*Can't help falling in love by Elvis Presley*

When she finished she clenched her fist and held it close to her chest, feeling her fast beating heart. She sighs "Please come get me soon, Wukong" she spoke in a gentle whisper.


MK, Ghost, and Reb rode on one cloud while Wukong, FF, and Macaque rode the other. "Uh, that way!" Ghost shouted, and the clouds turned to the direction he pointed. Reb angrily glared at Macaque, who was currently a little too close to FF.

FF gasped "There it is!!" Everyone looked down at ground and saw a large building "Wow, it's still as tacky as ever" Ghost snarked. They dive down, landing a little away from the lab, they all stood up and looked at the building "So, Staple is in there?" MK asked.

Reb, Ghost, and FF all nodded in unison "And hopefully it'll be the last" Ghost said. Wukong turned to look at the group "You guys ready?" he said, determined. They all nodded, MK and Macaque look at each other "Lets do this" MK said.

The guards of the building seemed a little bored, one of them even sneezed. They then see someone in a cloak emerge from a black portal in front of them. They obviously get defensive and point their weapons that him.

He then spoken "Welcome viewers to a shadow play the likes of which have never been seen! It follows the tragic tale of a legendary warrior, and how those who bring light into this world inevitability bring darkness to those they hold dear" MK then hopped in throwing purple glitter.

It seemed to be working as the guards stepped out of their positions to watch the shadow show. The family and Wukong found their opportunity to sneak in, while they were walking behind the guards, Wukong used his tail to slowly take a keycard.

They stood in front of the gate, Ghost stood in front of the eye scanner, and it identified it as Candy. Wukong swiped the card and the gate opened, they all slithered in and closed the gate. Perfect timing since it seemed like Macaque and MK were finished with their performance.

They took a bow and fell into the portal Macaque created, now standing next to the group "Aw yeah! I think we nailed that" MK cheered, Ghost shushed him "Keep it down. Do you want us to get caught?" Ghost shouted in a whisper.

Wukong examined the place, he sees one hallway "Lets go!" but before he ran forward Reb grabbed his shoulder and turned him around "Theres something I need to ask you before we continue" she said with a menacing glare. Wukong was a little intimidated.

"When I told you that Staple told us that you know about her scars and cannibalism. I wasn't talking about how you caught her scars and she told you her life story. I was talking about how she told us how you knew stuff about her without her telling you" Reb said.

Wukong tensed up at her question "So tell me. How do you know?" Reb asked. Wukong sighed and looked the other direction "It won't make any sense if I explain it to you" he said. MK knew where this going, causing him to get nervous and hold back the urge to spill the beans.

"Won't make sense? You're THE Sun Wukong who has fought demons who is now surrounded by non-humans....except for that kid. I think making sense is the least of your worries" Reb argued. Wukong clenched his fist "Well, the answer is she told me everything about herself before she stayed with me at the mountains" he said.

The family looked at each other then back at Wukong "What are you talking about? One, she never tells anyone about herself ever, and Two there's no way she told you any of that during the time you saved her and took her to the shop" Reb said getting confused.

MK looks like he's about to explode at any moment "It's because I've met Staple before" The family was now even more confused "What are you talking about? Just give us a strait answer" Reb demanded, Wukong was about to open his mouth to say something but...

"HES TALKING ABOUT IN JOURNEY TO THE WEST TIMES!!! There I said it" MK finally shouted. The family looked at him with dropped jaws, Wukong seemed a little offended "MK you weren't supposed to tell them yet!" he lightly shouted.

The family looked at Wukong with the same amount of shock at the fact that what MK said wasn't just nonsense "You.....How? Staple isn't even centuries old?" Ghost asked. Wukong sighed "I don't know. But she told me that she didn't know how she ended up there so she most likely got to the past from sometime in the present today"

Everyone just listened to him without saying a word "But I've waited this long to reunite with her, I am not gonna let this lab be the reason I loose her again" he said with determination.

They all nodded in unison "Well what are we waiting for?" Macaque said, and they all ran down the hallway together.


Staple being harshly held by the arms was being dragged into another room, They step into a room with a lab table, Staple noticed one arm was released she immediately hit one person with her elbow and kneed the other person.

Once both were down she used her fangs to tear them apart to the point where they couldn't move anymore. She look up to see a security camera and she immediately tore it down, She stood up, she took a keycard from one of the bodies.

She used to open the door, she kicked it open and bust out of the room. She saw someone catch her and she kicked their face.

You're my Sunny Bunny (Sun Wukong x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant