No.5 Alive, well sort of

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Staple woke up, she looked down at herself and saw that the scratches from the fall were completely gone, the only thing left on her body was the scars she's always had, which were mostly hidden from her torn up sweater. She tried to move but her body completely ached in pain, so she relaxed her body once again.

Meanwhile, Wukong and MK riding on the cloud, both looked down believing that Staple is dead from the launch, "Well, at least we avenged her by fighting the spider Queen" MK said trying to brighten the mood, Wukong slightly smiled at his note "Yeah" he said with a little saddened tone behind it.

Once they were both at Flower Fruit Mountain Wukong noticed the damage around the place, the sand looked like something was dragged across it, trees knocked down , and the branches holding pieces of fabric.

"Uh, Monkey King. What happened here?" MK asked as they stood in the sand. A little baby monkey approached the two and spoke in monkey language pretty quickly, but whatever he said cause Wukong to light up, he quickly sprinted over to the waterfall with MK following in confusion "M-Monkey King, what's going on? What did he say?" But Wukong didn't answer.

They walked through the waterfall and were shocked at what they saw. "STAPLE?!" MK shouted in shock. Staple still laying on the hammock weakly turned her head to look at the two, her arm trembling as she lifted it to wave at them "H-Hey" the area was now quiet.

MK immediately ran to Staple and hugged her tightly "STAPLE!!! YOUR OKAY!!!" Staple slightly winced in pain as the sudden hug made her body ache again, MK realizes his actions and pulled back "Oh, sorry. Are you okay?" He asked concerned. Staple groaned and weakly smiled "Yeah, I'm okay now just really sore is all?" She explained in an exhausted tone.

Wukong then stepped in "How did you get here exactly if you're so sore you can't move?" He asked, Staple winced once again "Well, when I crash landed here someone helped out, I think his name was...................... Macaroni? Or was it Maquack?"

Realization struck in MK and Wukong "MACAQUE?!?!" they both shouted. Staple gave another slight wince and groan "Someone you know?" She asked through her winces, both of them sighed "We have history, and it's not the most pleasant interaction" Wukong explained with a frown and his arms crossed.

Staple hummed "Hm. I guess he was in a good mood when he helped me" she said, Wukongs eyes drifted to the side at her statement "I guess you could say something like that" he mumbled, MK then smiled at Staple "Well, at least you're okay now" MK said reassuringly.

Staple gave a tired chuckle and nodded "Oh, Staple. You wanna watch me and Monkey King train?" MK asked excitedly. Throwing Staple off for a moment, she thinks but then slightly smiles "I would like to, but as you can see I can't really move sooooo...." MK frowned but smiled once again "One of us could carry you uh.. Monkey King you do it" MK insisted as he pushed Wukong closer to Staple.

He chuckled in surprise "Well, I guess" he then moved towards Staple but then stops himself "You.... Are you okay with me holding you and everything?" He asked softly. Staple honestly was surprised at his request for consent "Uh...yeah. I don't mind" she said keeping her surprised expression.

Wukong then wrapped his arms around her and started carrying her bridal style, she gave a pained expression while being picked up as her body still felt incredibly sore. Wukong then look at MK, and he asked him some question. But Staples head was somewhere else as she noticed something strange.

Since she's being carried by Wukong, her bunny ear was pressed against his chest, and she could hear his heartbeat. That wasn't the weird part, what made it strange is that his heartbeat was beating incredibly fast. Though she brushed it off thinking it was maybe normal for an immortal monkey like him.

To snap her out of her thoughts Wukong and MK started walking outside of the waterfall, Wukong found a pile of bushes and laid her on it "Is it comfortable there?" He asked, Staple only responded with a small "Mhm" he then smiled and started walking backwards "Okay, call if you need anything" he said and Staple watched him walk up to MK and begin their training.

While watching them Staple chuckled noticing that Wukong was getting the better of MK during the training. Staple then saw a little baby monkey approach her, She tilted her head slightly and the baby monkey did the same.

The baby monkey moved closer to her, held her wrist and slightly lifted her arm. The moment Staple winced from the sudden soreness kicking in, the baby monkey immediately dropped her arm. The baby monkey then climbed onto the top of her head and searched through her hair to search for bugs or anything like that. Staple wasn't expecting this but she didn't mind, this moment there actually made her giggle since it slightly tickled.

Wukong looked at her once he heard her giggles, MK took his chance to strike at him but Wukong wrapped his tail around his ankle and threw him, hitting a large boulder "Rah! Come on! I had you there! You were distracted!" MK complained angrily. Wukong smirked at him "Well, how do you expect to win when your distracted opponent still beat you" he explained and the crossed his arms "Besides, I wasn't distracted"

MK was now flabbergasted at his words "Yes you were! You were staring at Staple for a hot minu-" Wukong interrupted by shushing him "Don't worry about that Bud. It's something to remember for next time. Always be on guard even when your opponent SEEMS to be distracted so when you strike your even more cautious about their next strike" Wukong instructed.

MK frowned at his half assed lecture "Okay! Class dismissed!" Wukong announced leaving MK shocked "Wha? But that seemed short!" He shouted, Wukong stopped in his tracks "Nah, that seemed like a normal amount of time" his expression then turned soft "Besides, your friend is pretty injured and those injuries might need to be checked on" he explained.

Staple still laying on the bush was now surrounded by little baby monkies, Wukong giggled at what he saw "They seem to like you" he teased with a little smile, Staple was mostly surprised at the smothering she's receiving "Really? I never would have guessed" she said in a sarcastic tone just making Wukong chuckle more.

"Well, I'm gonna be heading back home" MK announced "You coming with Staple?" MK asked, Staple wandered her eyes. She takes her time to think about it, she could go back but due to her physical condition she couldn't even move without being in pain. She looks at MK with a little smile "You know, I think I might stay here" she said.

Her answer took MK and Wukong completely by surprise at her answer "Really?!" MK asked, Staple nodded "Since I'm not in the best condition. And since my job back home requires movement, I might stay here until I'm fully recovered" she explained.

MK gave an understanding smile while Wukong was still surprised, Staple looks at Wukong "Is.....that okay with you?" She asked. Wukong blinked and shook his head "Yeah, yeah. That uh, that's okay with me" he answered, seeming a tad flustered.

"Alright then. I guess I'll see you next time. Byeeeee" MK cheerfully said as he walked away, leaving Wukong alone. It was awkward to say the least "Do uh you want me to carry you back to the hammock?" Wukong asked to break to the silence.

Staple just nodded at his question, he approached her and carried her once again. Now a question flowed in Staples mind 'What did I get myself into?'

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