No.10 Can't Stop Dancing

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Two days pass, they were quite awkward. They were like little kids being forced to interact with each other, which I guess you could say technically were. It's getting more difficult to hold back her urges each night. Staple laid on the couch with a tired expression, Wukong sat on his cloud eating Peach chip (Like always).

Staple let out a long sigh "Is it just me or is it getting kinda muggy?" Staple asked slightly lifting up her head, Wukong looked at her and shrugged "We both are wearing long sleeves" he mentioned. Staple looked at her blue sweater, "....I'm not taking my sweater off" she said mostly to herself as she laid her head back down.

Wukong sat up and stretched widely, he let out a long sigh "It feels late in the afternoon" he randomly said, Staple hummed "Heh, what time is it exactly?" Staple asked half joking as she believed she wasn't gonna get an answer to that question.

Wukong hummed "Hm, let me check.." Staple quickly lifted her head, confused "Hey Alexa!" he shouted. Staples jaw dropped "What time is it?" he asked loudly. There was a ding and the Alexa voice echoed "It is currently 3:19 PM" Wukong nodded at the answer and looked at Staple who had the face of a jaw dropped cat.

"What?" he asked, Staple was just flabbergasted "YOU HAVE AN ALEXA?!?!" she shouted, Wukong smiled and slightly chuckled "Yeah" Staple moved to the other side of the couch and was now face to face with Wukong "Since when?!" she shouted.

Wukong was caught off guard by Staples sudden approach that his face was a little pink like before "Uh hehe, not that long ago actually. MK is teaching me how to use modern technology" he explained, Staple slightly nodded "That... actually makes sense. Cause you're like thousand something years old, right?" Wukong nodded for conformation.

"Yeah, you wouldn't have that knowledge. Kinda have that boomer energy" Staple said, mostly to herself. Wukong was confused at her choice of words. But then Staple had a big smile and her eyes sparkled "But if I had known earlier I would have jammed out to some good ol music sooner" she said, excited at the idea.

Wukong smiled warmly at her "You're welcome to do that if you want" he allowed with a soft voice. Staple looked at him surprised "You-, Really?" she asked in a slightly high pitch. Wukong chuckled at her high pitch and nodded "Yeah, I'm not gonna stop you from having fun while you're recovering her, right?" he slightly smirked.

Staple gave a fangy smile and stood up from the couch "If that's the case..." she then suddenly grabbed Wukongs hands and pulled him off his cloud to stand up "You gotta join me!" she spoke in a slight demand, Wukong was so surprised by her pull that the red on his face was very visible.

"Oh? You sure you don't wanna do that alone?" he asked, now appearing to be nervous. Staple gave a sly "heh" and smirked at him "Nah, it's more fun when you have company" she then winked twice, Wukong slightly laughed at her familiar words "You got me there"

He moved to stand next to her "Well then, play whatever you want" he said. Staple happily grinned "ALEXA! PLAY CAN'T STOP DANCIN" Staple shouted excitedly, the machine dinged "Now playing Can't Stop Dancin' by Becky G" The voice echoed. Then the music began to play.

It was slow at first but then the beat dropped, Staple slowly moved to the motion of the melody. Wukong just smiled watching her, Staple sang along with the song. When the music started to kick in Staple once again grabbed Wukongs hands and spun the both of them around, Wukong could see the delight in Staples face. It caused him to be in delight as well.

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