No.2 Work hours

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"Staple?" A voice spoke as someone poked her forehead, snapping her out of her trace. Staple looked to see her friend Reb, with her black and purple hair pulled back in a high ponytail "Oh, hey Reb" Staple said nonchalantly.

Reb frowned and made Staple stand up "Where were you, and how did you get up here?" Reb grumbled. Staple frowned at her questions "Long story, don't worry about it" she spoke in a tired monotone voice, Reb raised an eyebrow at her answer "Fine, but you should see your boss. He's been nagging about where you were nonstop" Reb explained. Staple rolled her eyes "Of course he was" she mumbled.

She walked down the stairs into the shop "STAPLE!!" A familiar voice shouted the moment she walked into the main room of the shop. She was immediately grabbed by the shoulders and intensely shaken "Where have you been!? It felt like forever" Staple grabbed his shoulder to stop being shaken by him "Ghost! Bud! I'm fine. I'm 10 minutes early actually. I just got caught up on something!" Staple explained.

Ghost gave her a suspicious look, "Caught up with what exactly?" He asked insistently. Staple groaned at his question, he always does this "Don't worry about it" She answered slightly annoyed, she was about to walk away but Ghost grabbed the neck of her sweater and pulled her back.

"Oh no you don't, Tell me EXACTLY what happened" he demanded like an overprotective brother, Staple growled and gave in "I was about to get attack but......someone helped me out and brought me here" she answered angrily, Ghost noticed something strange about her answer.

"You paused. What are you hiding?" Staple widened her eyes, "Nothing! Leave me alone about this! I gave you my answer!" She nagged, "Who helped you out there?" Ghost asked. Staple growled "The Monkey Ki-......Sun Wukong was the one who helped me" she answered in a soft and nervous tone.

"The Monkey King!?" He blurted out

"Yup" Staple responded

"He helped you?" Ghost asked

"Yeah?" She answered curiously

"And took you here"

Staple frowned at his constant questions "Just what are you getting at, boss?" She asked, Ghost chuckled "He's totally hitting on you" Reb chimed in teasingly. There was a minute of silence, then Staple bursted out laughing "Pff, Hahaha, The Monkey King hitting on me?! That's the best joke ever made since I've known you, and that is saying a lot" she continued laughing hysterically as she shoved her.

But Ghost and Reb weren't laughing "I'm serious, I don't think he would just let anyone have a ride on his Cloud thingy" she said with a smug smirk, Staple rolled her eyes again "Yes he would. He's a hero, right? He's willing to help anyone.....I'm pretty sure" Reb scoffed at her "True.... But still"

Everyone got to work, selling haunted items to people. When no customers were in the building, Staple stumbled in her steps and her eyes turn magenta "Uh oh, her hunger is kicking in. Who's gonna be bitten today?" Ghost said as he looked at two other girls.

The girl with White hair and black owl like eyes stepped forth, "Guess I'll take it" she said but Reb stepped in "Nah, I don't want you to get bit FF. I'll do it" she said as she rolled up her sleeve. Staple was giving demonic little growls "Staple, here!" Reb said as she placed her arm in front of her. Staple grabbed the arm and bit down on it, she has a few sips of blood.

She released her bite and took a deep breath "Haaah, Thanks Reb" she said with a satisfied sigh, Reb sweetly smiled "No problem" Staple frowned as a thought crossed her mind "You know we should really keep a freezer with like blood bags and flesh so I don't get these cravings every now and then"

You're my Sunny Bunny (Sun Wukong x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें