No. 17 Teamed up

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"So, You're Staples mom?" MK asked Reb. Reb crossed her arms "That's right" she answered. MK chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Well uh...guess it's nice to meet you?" he said nervously "Hey Kid" Wukong then stepped in.

MK seemed curious at what Wukong needed him for "Can I talk to you for a moment?" Wukong asked as he pulled MK aside "Uh, Yeah. What's up?" he asked. Wukong seemed nervous about something "There's actually one more person I want to help us out...." MK quirked an eyebrow "But?" he said knowing there's a catch.

"But I don't like the idea but I feel like it'll be best if we get the extra help" he explained. MK tilted his head curiously "Uh, Who are we talking about exactly?" he asked. Then suddenly Macaque emerged from the ground, standing next to FF causing her to jump "You must be talking about me, right?" he said with a smirk.

MKs jaw dropped "Macaque?!?!" he shouts in shock, Wukong and Macaque glared at each other. Wukong crossed his arms "Thanks for coming" he said aggressively, "My pleasure" Macaque said with the same amount of aggression.

Wukong sighed and turned to MK again "Alright MK, you're the plan man. So start a plan" MK nodded with a smile, Everyone grouped up while MK stood in front of them "Alright, so Monkey King filled me in that Staple was taken into a lab. Now can someone tell me what this lab is like?" he began.

Ghost rolled his eyes and stood up "Let me explain, since I also used to be in that lab" he took the crayon from MK and started drawing a layout of the lab "The place is heavily guarded on the outside, and even if we're able to somehow get in the place is like a maze"

"Well, Why can't we just kill em all like I did last time?" Reb asked, FF stood beside her "You don't have the energy to morph into your dragon form" she said. Reb sighed and gave a sorrowed expression "I just want to get Staple back as soon as possible"

MK noticed her sorrow "You really are worried about her, huh?" he asked "She's my daughter, of course I'm worried" Wukong then perked up when he remembered something "You said the guards a not that smart, right?" he asked.

Reb raised an eyebrow at his question "Dumbasses" she replied with one word. Ghost nodding in agreement, MK got an idea "Ok Ok, How about when we get there me and Macaque could distract the security while you guys sneak in. Once you guys get in we could meet up with you guys after" he explained.

Macaque gave a curious expression at his idea "Why am I doing the distraction with you?" he asked, MK smiled "Cause you have the shadow work. You could do a shadow play" Macaque smirked "Not a bad plan, but what will you be doing" he asked.

"Isn't it obvious. I'll add in a little Monkey Kid flair to it" MK explained. Everyone groaned in disappointment, Ghost leaned towards Wukong and whispered "You really sure about this one?" he asked, Wukong slightly smiled "I'm sure" Ghost frowned at his answer.

Ghost cleared his throat to get everyones attention again "Well, while we sneak in we'll need to steal a keycard. From what I remember from last time almost every single room requires a keycard to get in. And we need identification to get in, like an eye to scan" Ghost explained.

He then smirked "Luckily, since I'm a clone of Candy. I can easily get us in" he boasted. MK smile brightly once again "Perfect. So you said the place is like a maze, right? So once we are inside, we could split up into 3 groups, search around the place, beat a couple of bad guys, once we find her, We regroup, and GET THE HECK OUTTA THERE!!" he finished dramatically.

"Any questions?" he asked, the room was silent. "Great! Now Monkey King! We'll use our clouds, right?" he saids enthusiastically, Wukong seemed to have been lost in thought. He snapped out of his trance and looked at MK "Huh? Oh, yeah. That works" he said sounding a little tired.

MK looked at him with concern "Are you okay?" he asked, Wukong nodded "Yeah, I just spaced out is all" he explained with a forced smile. MK then looked a little saddened "Were you thinking about Staple?" he asked.

Wukongs smile immediately disappeared and reveled what he's actually feeling, he nodded "It's just...." He looked at the family who was still near, and looked back at MK "Well, you know" MK smiled reassuringly "Don't worry, we WILL get her back" he spoke gently. Wukong smiled softly, he looked at the sky "Hang in there Staple. We'll be there soon"

You're my Sunny Bunny (Sun Wukong x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon