No.11 It's Soft

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Staple yawned, she slowly opened her eyes. She looked up at the bright blue sky, they slept there the rest of the night. She turned her head to look at Wukong, he was up close to her still asleep, his arm resting across her waist. Staple hummed and looked back up at the sky.

Her eyes widened in realization, she looked at Wukong. He was asleep beside her with his arm resting across her waist. Staple felt like she was now having a heart attack 'Okay, don't panic Staple. This is probably a habit of his. Maybe he does the same to the baby monkeys. GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!! WHY ARE YOU FREAKING OUT OVER NOTHING!!!' She screamed in her mind, she was conflicted on what to do.

Wukong groaned and he too started to wake up, he immediately looked at Staple and they share eye contact. Staple gives an awkward smile "Morning" she spoke. Wukong's face immediately turned red and he quickly moved his arm and scooted away from her, he laughed awkwardly and nervously "Uh hehehe, Morning"

He awkward tone shifted to a soft smile "How did you sleep?" he asked, Staple sat up and stretched out her arms "Well, after stargazing I slept so much better" she answered. She  smiled at him "Thanks for that by the way. For helping me out when I had that...... nasty nightmare" she spoke with slight sentiment.

Wukong sat up, his smile getting a little bigger "No problem, Bunbun" Staple immediately gave a confused expression at the sudden nickname "Bunbun?? Why..." Wukong gave a face that showed that he immediately regret it "Yeah, I didn't think that was a good nickname either. But it was what came to mind" Staple shrugged, "You can give me a nickname if you want" Wukong lit up at her words "I can?" he asked in delight, Staple slightly nodded "Though you'll have to think of something better than that. Cause Bunbun is a no go for me"


"Staple is at where now?" Ghost asked, now taking the form of a cat, his ears perked up. Reb sighed "She's in Flower Fruit Mountain!" Reb said a little annoyed. Ghost tilted his head "Okay, so we gotta drive to the mountains? I could do that in less than 15 minutes" Ghost bragged. FF stepped in "Nooooo, Flower Fruit is it's own piece of land so it's not a place you can easily drive to" she explained.

Ghost groaned "Well how do we get there?" he whined his question, Macaque emerged from the floor and now stood beside the group "If you really need to get there to see your bunny friend, I suggest that I help you out in that" he suggested, Reb glared angrily at him, FF had a soft expression looking at him, and Ghost just had a blank expression.

"I don't think so!" Reb immediately declined, Ghost and FF looked at her, surprised "You really expect me to trust you after hiding an important secret?!" She shouted, FF placed her hand on her shoulder to calm her down "Reb..." the dragon girl took a breathe.

Macaque gave a  face of slight shame "That was pretty messed up of me to hide that from you all. But I didn't tell you because I didn't know how any of you would respond to that info, and I could tell you wouldn't take it well" he confessed. The group had their eyes locked on Macaque for a moment, then they all looked at each other.

"But I should make it up to you for helping you all get to her..." he continued, the group looked at him. FF stepped closer "You promise you WILL take to us to Staple?" she asked, Macaque slightly smiled at her "I promise" he said in a strangely soft tone.

Ghost and Reb sighed in unison "Alright, lead the way Mr.Emo" Ghost spoke. Macaque shifted into a smirk, he wrapped his tail around FF and pulled her closer to him, she stiffened up once he did "Now, I'll let you know it won't be easy" he explained.

Reb clenched her fist and growled, "You really get on my nerves when you do that" she mumbled angrily. Macaque turned  his body towards FF and grips her chin lifting her face while still looking at Reb "What? Does this bother you THAT much?" he teased, FF left feeling flustered. Ghost shook his head "Well, it is about time Staple knew"


Staple reviewed a dumpling recipe, Wukong looked over her shoulder "So, what are the ingredients we need?" he asked, Staple hummed "Well, It says here we need..." Wukong took a step back without her noticing "We need flour, baking powder, white sugar, salt, butter, and milk, which is for the dough. Though I wonder how we're gonna get the-" She stopped talking when she turned to look at Wukong who stood proudly with the ingredients already prepared.

Staple was struck with shock "What? How did you?" she stammered "I have  my ways" Wukong answered quickly. Staple just blinked in shock but she shrugged it off for now, she tossed the recipe onto the counter and leaned forward to read it, Wukong stood beside her.

"So, It seems that we need to-" Staple placed her hand on his shoulder, but he immediately jumped when he felt a sudden electrical shock hit him from the moment she touched him "AYE!!" he blurts out.

Staple blinks then realized "Oh! Sorry, did I forget to mention that I have electrical powers?" Staple said with a timid expression, Wukong gave a shocked expression "Oh, I fo-..... ahem You do?" he asked. Staple nodded with a "Mhm" Wukong smirked at her "And how come you haven't used it in previous cases?" He teased.

Staple chuckled "Hey, I sometimes forget I have them" she answered with a laugh.Wukong began to laugh along with her, they went back to their task on making dumplings together.


They sat on a cliff together, eating the messily made dumplings, Staple looked at Wukong and she watched him pluck out some of his hair and it turned into a lantern and set it beside them as the night was beginning to fall.

Staple was fascinated at first "You can make anything with your hair?" she asked, Wukong looked at her and smiled "Yup. You didn't know that?" he answered with a follow up question.

She shook her head "No?" Wukong hummed with a smirk "Have you... read Journey To The West before? It talks about the powers I have" he asked, Staple froze. Her eyes drifted to the side and she gave an awkward fangy smile, she chuckled awkwardly "Nooo, I have not" she slowly admitted "I mean, I knew of your existence and things... but I never went out of my way to properly read it" she continued.

Wukong placed his hand on her shoulder and they shared eye contact "Tell you what, how about we read it together tomorrow. I may or may not have a copy or two here" he offered with a sweet  smile. Staples eyes widened and sparkled at his offer "Y-Yeah, I would... like that" she answered. Wukong giggled and leaned back, having another bite of dumpling.

Staples mind then struck a realization "Wait, did you use your hair to get the ingredients?" she asked like a mother asking their kid if they stole something. Wukong froze at her question "Uh.... maybe" he says in a squeaky voice.

Staple furrowed her eyebrows "Soo, am I eating hair" she asked, Wukong scratched the back of his head "Eeehhh, It's best not to think about it" he said. Staple slowly turned her head to look at the dumpling she had in hand, somehow a thought crossed her mind, something she normally wouldn't think.

She squeezed the food in hand, causing it to turn back into hair. Staple tilted her head and examined it, she began to caress the hair she now had in her palm. Wukong looked at her curiously "Staple?" he uttered. Staple looked at him "I was just curious on how soft your fur felt" she confessed.

Wukong give an expression of slight surprise, he scooted and leaned closer to her "You're welcome to pet it if you wanna know" he allowed with a warm smile. Staples eyes sparkled "Really?" she asked surprised. He nodded "Yeah, I don't mind" 

Staple gave a cheeky smile, she tossed the hair she had in hand over her should and scooted closer to Wukong. She ran her fingers through his fur and began caressing it, wow, it was soft and fluffy with the touch. And it seemed like Wukong was enjoying it.

Wukong reached over but then stopped himself "May I pet you too?" he asked. Staple was a little thrown off by his question "I mean, I have pet your ears before, but it was really without your consent so..." he softly smiles at her "May I?" Staple blinked, surprised at his request for consent.

She returned the soft smile "Yeah, I'm okay with that" she allowed. Wukong the began to pet her bunny ears and caress her hair, his touch seemed so gentle. It set Staple in a daze, it was almost setting Staple to sleep. She ends up planting her head onto his chest and falling into a slumber.

Wukong was of course surprised, but he quietly laughed it off, he begins to pick her up gently and walk her to her bed. All Staple could feel now was a warm touch hold her, and hear a heartbeat that was beating strangely faster than the average person, but all of it put her at ease.

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