No.1 That was Odd

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A tortured creature now living among people peacefully. She was now happy with her new life, even if she looses her control once in a while. She was enjoying a good meal of noodles at Pigsy Noodles, it's seemed like everyone was about to leave "Hey Staple, you should head home by now, it's getting late" MK said with a little smile.

Staple took another bite of food and returned the smile "I will soon, just gonna clean up a bit" she said. MK sighed "Okaayyy" he said with a slight pout and finally left. Staple shook her head and took her final bite of her noodles, let out a little sigh and handed the bowl to Pigsy.

She stood up, grabbed her things and said her goodbyes to Pigsy and Tang. She began to walk down the sidewalk, while she was walking she finds an alleyway, for some reason she felt like walking through it. She began going into the alleyway, her eyes began to wander but she bumped into someone.

"What the hell, you should watch where you're going" the guy she bumped into yelled out, Staples bunny ears drooped down "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that" she said. She was about to continue walking but the guy blocked her path "Hey, you can't just bump into me and get away with it"

Staple growled "Well, I'm sorry but I don't have time for this. I have somewhere to be right now" she said, a little agitated, "Aw, I'm sure that can wait little bunny. I need to teach you a lesson first" he threatened. Staples eye color drastically changed from purple and pink to magenta, and her fangs seemed to be much sharper "More like YOU'RE the one who needs to be taught a lesson"

Her eye color and fangs went back to their normal state when a third voice from behind spoke "Hey now, that shouldn't be a way to treat a rabbit" Staples bunny ear turned 180 and she turned around to see what looks like a Monkey in armor. He stood next to Staple with his arms crossed and a smug smirk "If you don't mind, I'm busy here" the guy spoke.

"Hm, that's not what I see" he then kicked the guy, clearly angering him. He tried to fight back but the monkey got the better of him, he knocked out the guy and placed him on the wall "Now sit here and think about what you did" he demanded.

Staple was surprised at what she just saw, the monkey turned to look at her with a soft smile "You okay?" He asked, "Uh, yeah. Thanks" she muttered, she looked at him curiously "Are you...You don't happen to be..." she stopped mid sentence, he seemed really curious on what she's about to say "You don't happen to be MKs mentor, the Monkie King, right?" She asked.

The Monkie king's expression seemed to be saddened at first but immediately back to perky "That's right. I'm am, but you're allowed to call me Wukong. So, you're a friend of MK Huh?" He asked, placing his hands on his hips, Staple nodded at his question.

Wukong had a soft look in his eyes as he looked at her "Say, What's your name?" He asked as he stepped closer to her "Um, It's Staple. Sounds odd I know, but hey, I didn't choose it" she said with a little snark. His eyes lit up in what seemed like pure happiness, he then giggled "Well it's nice to meet a friend of MKs" he said as he suddenly wrapped his arm over her shoulders.

"Uh, yeah it's nice to meet you too" Staple said a little nervously, "Oh yeah, I might've overheard you say you had some place to be. So, where is it that you need to go to? Perhaps I can escort you there" Wukong said with a smile "Well uh, I'm just headed to Ghost's Haunted Objects Shop" Staple answered.

Wukong summoned his cloud, wrapped his arm around Staples waist and hopped onto the cloud "Hang on, you're in for quite a ride" Staple was so surprised that she just clanged onto Wukong, and they zoomed up into sky. Staple had her eyes shut tightly, she felt the wind blow through her hair and ears "Hey, it's okay. You can look" Wukong reassured "Too scared to! I might fall!" Staple said in a slight panic.

Wukong slightly laughed at her statement, and made his grip around her waist tighter "Don't worry, I'll make sure you don't fall" he reassured once again. Staple sighed, and slowly opened one eye, she then widened both eyes to see the lovely sight of being high above the city.

"Wow" she muttered under her breath, Wukong smiled at her reaction "Now, where's this shop you speak of?" He asked, Staple looked around at the city then her bunny ears perked up and she points at a black and teal building "Right there" Wukong looked at where she pointed "Heh, hold on tight" Staple did as he asked and they began riding down towards the building.

They hovered over the building, Staple was about to slid off the cloud but Wukong grabbed her waist and got her off the cloud. Staple turned to look at him "Um, thanks" she said cautiously, Wukong chuckled and smiled at her again "Anytime, if you need anything like getting somewhere, just call me" he offered sweetly.

Staple raised an eyebrow at him "Uh, got it" she said with a finger gun, he giggled and began to float away on his cloud "I'll see you next time Staple" now he was completely gone. Staple stood there confused for a moment, and then she collapsed on the floor, now laying on the ground staring at the sky.

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