No.15 Plan of Action

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"Class Dismissed" Wukong announced, MK sighed from the training. Wukong kept his soft smile "I'll see you next week bud. Maybe" Wukong said in a forced smile. MK gave a face of worry "Monkey King? Is Staple gonna be okay?" he asked in worry.

Wukongs smile disappeared, and he sighed sorrowfully "I sure hope so kid" was all he said, MK slightly smiled and nodded "Me too. See ya" he said as he left, Wukong waved goodbye to him. He walked to where he believed the family would be, he sees Ghost and Staple asleep on the ground, Reb laying Staples head on her lap and FF sitting beside her just chatting.

Reb then noticed Wukong walking up to them "Oh, hey there" she greeted, Wukong smiled "I see that I missed a bit" he said as he sat beside them, Reb chuckled "Yeah, these two got in a bit of a heated argument as usual, which ended up wearing them out. As you can see here" she explained.

Wukongs eye went down to look at the peacefully sleeping Staple "I bet it was quite a hustle" he said softly, Reb gave an exhausted sigh "Oh believe me. It was" she said with an angered frown. Her frown then went away "But they always make up at the end. They always do. I've seen it all" Reb explained, Wukongs smile slightly faded away.

"So, what do you suppose we do?" Reb asked, catching Wukongs attention "Since Candy Corp is looking for Staple" Reb continued. Wukong sighed, he took his time to think "Well, for now we should stay here. How smart are those guys exactly" he asked, referring to the corp.

Reb hummed "They're pretty smart. Except their security, they're pretty dumb. But I doubt they'll find this place" FF nodded in agreement "Even if they do, I doubt they'll be able to get across the volcano surrounding it" she said. Reb gave her thinking face "True, It gave US a hard time we crossed it" FF chuckled nervously remembering their struggles to get to the mountain.

Reb then said "Well, if we're gonna stay here a bit longer. I might need to go back and get some supplies, like human flesh for this one" she said pointing down to Staple. Wukong gave a face of surprise over the fact that she was open about her cannibalism.

"She told us by the way. How you know about her scars and cannibalism, she also told us she bit you and had your blood" Reb explained. Wukong tensed up as a thought worried him "Did she tell you anything else?" he asked. He was referring to the fact that he already knew some things about Staple without her telling him, he might know more than he's letting on.

Reb gave a face of suspicion at his question "No, that was all she told us. Why?" she said with her own question. Wukong just laughed it off "No reason" Reb still was curious but she sighed and let it go for now "Anyways, FF we should get the supplies now.....and Staples cat" she looks at Wukong "Will you watch these two while we're gone?" she asked as she was moving Staple and laying her back down on the ground.

Wukong gave a more giddy smile "Yup. You can count on me" Reb nodded, she then moved closer to Wukong and whisper "Be careful with this one" she points to Ghost "He can be a real nuisance. And don't get any funny ideas about my daughter" she warned. Wukong blinked in confusion "Got it"

Reb then stood up and walked over to FF who also stood up "Ready to head back?" she asked "Yup" FF replied. Reb shifted into her dragon form, FF hopped onto her back and they flew off. Once they were gone, Wukong sat next to the still sleeping Staple. It made him feel happy at how peaceful she was. 

He reached over and pet her bunny ears, Staple shifted in her sleep, she laid on her side facing Wukong and suddenly held his hand. Wukong was initially surprised by this action, but he softly smiled and returned the hand lock. He used his other hand to move her hair now seeing her sleeping face and the cyan crescent shaped marking on her neck.


Reb and FF stopped in as many places they could think of. Staples apartment, Rebs house, the store for snack etc. FF and Reb regroup with their things "You think we got everything?" FF asked, Reb reviewed everything they got. Staples cat hopped onto Reb and stood on her shoulders "Yeah, seems like it" she said. She turned to look at FF again "I think we should head back to Flower Fruit Mountain. But we gotta be sneaky about it"

You're my Sunny Bunny (Sun Wukong x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن