Beginning of the end

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Luffy was smiling brightly as he started his journey in his tiny row boat. His Dad and brothers had offered him better, but he wouldn't have any other. He wanted to have adventures and seek life in his own way. And that includes the ships he will steal or buy in the future. Taking a bite from the apple, he watched as the few clouds above him slowly drifted past.

Ace had already started his adventures and Sabo was doing what he wanted from an early age. His brothers were doing great things on their own and he won't stay back. He is going to get a crew which would rival others, and would soon fight a Yonko! He would be getting stronger and stronger, so that he would be able to protect whoever he wants to! He won't be getting a vast crew like the Whitebeards. He wants a crew of ten. A swordsman, a navigator, a sniper, a cook and some more.

His hand went to grab another apple, when his hands came in contact with the air. He pouted. Well, he can eat when he reaches an island. He sat up and looked at his mother, who was humming a song to him, until the swirling of waves hit his ear. He stood up and he was greeted by the sight of a whirlpool. Well, here the tests of his mother starts. From here he is an ordinary person who has no advantage over his mother.

He ran through the options in mind. He can't swim and abandon the boat. He can always ask his mother, but that would be cheating!! He is not going to ask his mother always! He has to grow up on his own. With that thought in his mind he looked at the empty barrel. Well, he can fit in it.

He looked at the whirlpool once more and poked his tongue out. With that he jumped into the empty barrel, which was dark. He took his bag pack with him, he doesn't want to lose it. The only source of light came from a little glow which his body provided. Within seconds, he was asleep, completely unconcerned by the dangers he could face.


On a remote Island, on a pink colored ship, a fat, ugly lady ran her fingers through the railings of a ship. A layer of dust settled on her fingers as she asked in a cold voice the reason for so much dust. Her men, her crew, the pirates, got scared of her as they tried to beg for forgiveness. They tried to persuade the fat lady to give them a second chance and that they will never let it happen again. But the captain, Lady Alvida, as she was called, mercilessly pounded her Iron Mace on the pirate which tried to beg for another chance. She then turned towards a short, pink- haired boy, who visibly started sweating.

"Coby! Who's the most beautiful person in all the Seas?" The captain asked the timid boy with a shark-like grin.

"I-I-I-I-It's obviously you, Lady A-Alvida!" Coby uttered, his whole trembling as he held the cleaning stick tightly in his helpless arms.

The captain laughed manically before she stated the obvious reason of why Coby, the pink haired brat, was still alive and not dead.


Coby was the only one who has more knowledge than anyone on the ship about navigation in the world of seas, where they live.

Coby winced quietly when a kick landed on his gut by the captain of the ship, who then ordered her crew to keep on cleaning and retired to rest in her own cabin.

Coby wiped his silent tears, shakily getting up and thanking the gods for he didn't get an iron mace on his head as he has thought he would get. Sniffling quietly and realising how pitiful he really is to be a slave for a pirate and to have his dreams crushed, Coby wobbled to a corner where he was left all alone.

The silent waves would always calm him down, promising a good time in the future, but Coby couldn't feel that today as he begged for freedom from his miserable life, for happiness which he once had, and for the will to believe and achieve his dream.

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