chapter : twenty-five

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taehyung sets up his saxophone gear eagerly as more people trickle into karaoke night at the bar for his gig. he catches a glance towards the bar. he's been trying to sneak peeks for the past five minutes but finally, the tall man sitting at the bar had taken his drink and joined everyone else on the main floor. the girl behind smiled as she spoke to her coworker completing tasks behind her. they giggled about something. taehyung practically leaned toward to listen as though his distance meant nothing. he was desperate to hear her voice for once. maybe it was nothing like he imagined. but today he was determined to find out.

taehyung was earlier than usual, figuring perhaps her shifts ends around the usual time he arrives but since he came earlier, there was actually time to talk to her. usually he'd be chatting up with yoongi or raena in his room before a gig to psych himself up but twas not necessary tonight. he was determined.

"everyone please give it up for our usual guest mister kim taehyung for his solo sax and vocal act. i hope you can all enjoy. and remember we've got 20% off drinks tonight so don't be afraid to treat yourself a little! i'm looking at you woojin!"

taehyung smiles awkwardly before pushing his things closer to the spotlight in the midst of the dim bar.

he blows out a couple test notes before greeting the crowd with a deep charming voice and tells everyone the name of his newest song. he calls it moonlight. mostly sax but the couple of words he did manage to have yoongi had helped him with and he would forever be thankful.

his sound carries beautifully throughout the bar transforming the place from shabby to schmancy in moments. he caught every eye and every ear even when his overthinking caused him to stumble a couple times but even that was barely noticeable. especially when the accompanying sound of piano hid all his imperfections.

taehyung's closed eyes opened at the sound and he swiftly glanced at the grand piano near the steps of the small stage, away from the spotlight. but he didn't need a light to see. she was already radiant on her own, fingers gliding across the keys skillfully and harmoniously with his own music. it's like she knew exactly what he was trying to do. he didn't even have time to question what she was doing here.

she never looked at him until they reached the end of his song, eyeing his face for a signal. they finished with a soft sound that lingered and echoed all around meshing with the clapping and cheers of the drunk and sober people alike in the crowd.

this was it. what he's been waiting for this whole time. a moment. it was even more than he could ask for.

he quickly grabs the mic.

"hey i want to quickly thank my friend here who joined me on the piano. let's clap for her!" he says to the crowd. he gestures shyly for her to come up and she holds a laugh with her hand. still dressed in her uniform, she bows to everyone and introduced herself, mere inches away from taehyung. she charmingly flips her long hair behind her back catching everyone's attention.

"hey everyone. i'm not a musician or anything. i just like to play," she chuckles.

taehyung hides his grin. "and what's your name?" he asks, leaning closer to the mic she held on to. "i think everyone wants to know?"

she turns her face back to look at him, even closer.

"my name is tzuyu. nice to meet you all."

"a hand for tzuyu everyone!" taehyung exclaims, elated for that moment of magic. he beams at her and she winks slyly before walking back to the piano.

oh so we're doing another one? he thinks.

she nods to him as if knowing what he was saying.

"alright everyone, this is a song i call dancing in the stars."

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