chapter : four

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yoongi spotted the familiar house on the street they were passing and his eyes widened. he pressed the button and impatiently tapped his finger on the pole as he waited for the bus to come to a stop.

the girl had been sending him curious looks that he immediately tried to ignore the whole rest of the way. he wondered when would it be that she'd finally leave or if he'll leave. but this was his stop and he would no longer after worry about her.

with a sly smile, he got off the bus and looked into the direction of his friends house. taehyung, like he every once in a while did, had invited him over for assistance on a song he's writing. the young saxophonist and singer needed a new song for the gig he got at a nearby karaoke bar. he plays saxophone with the band and sings his songs for extra money.

tae, as yoongi called him, lived at his parent's house with his two little siblings. he spent most of his time in his room practicing. usually while the adults were away he was asked to babysit but he spent most of his time in his room they hired a babysitter. yoongi has never met her and tae never really mentions her. his words are filled with all things music these days. He's a determined little idiot-as yoongi calls him. but he secretly admired his friend's determination.

whilst continuing to listen to that same song he listened to, a song made that he didn't quite know how to finish, yoongi walked towards tae's house feeling good. but that didn't last long.

he passed by the bus just in time to see someone from the back door come out. he groaned when he saw who it was. the girl frowned at the cold air that hit her and tightened her coat whilst looking down at her shoes.

he rolled his eyes.

yoongi immediately walked faster to his destination, praying she wouldn't notice. why the hell was she even here? she better not be following him.



raena tightened her coat around her and frowned at the cold air. taehyung's house was just a few houses away. she was excited to see his little siblings. they love her.

she looked up as she made her way and beamed as she saw a familiar head. running up to him she smiled even wider.

"hi!" she exclaimed. another coincidence. it must be fate. "same stop? whatcha doing here?" she hoped to sound friendly so she wouldn't scare him again.

he jumped and slowly turned around.

"i'm going somewhere," he said sarcastically.

"ha, obviously but where? and you still haven't told me where you got that sweatshirt," raena pointed out.

"i told you not to buy me a new one. and it's none of your business where i'm going," he muttered. "i'm never seeing you again after this."

she highly doubted that. three encounters in a row.

"okay fine, whatever grumpy. i won't ask any longer. but wanna know where i'm going? I gotta babysit," raena grinned proudly, "there are these cute little suckers. one is 7 the youngest is 4. they love me so much. they're my little babies."

yoongi looked up at this. he couldn't help but think it wasn't a coincidence she's a babysitter. but didn't she work at a restaurant? that apron she wore when she drooled in him seemed as if she worked at a restaurant. another job? he knew taehyung's siblings' had a baby sitter but it couldn't have been her!

but I've never actually seen her before. he thought.

"where's the house?" yoongi asked, tone as if he wasn't interested but he needed to know.

"oh, you asked me a question. i feel so honored," she smiled, a noticeable dimple appearing on her cheek. "well since you're so curious, the house right there."

yoongi's gut dropped when he saw the house she pointed at. tae's house. it just had to be tae's house.
ugh, if i kill him for not telling me his sibling's babysitter is raena, then i'd have no friends.  he thought.

the two walked in silence as thoughts swarmed like crazy in yoongi's mind. this was going to be annoying.



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