chapter : nineteen

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"how many?" the clerk at the karaoke place asked looking at a grumbling yoongi and a cheery raena.

"just us two! we're a couple so we'd like to do the couples free combo please!" raena exclaimed.

the clerk glanced at yoongi and narrowed his eyes. "he doesn't look to happy about that. are you sure you're a couple?"

raena gasped dramatically. yoongi made a mental note that this had been the third time today.

"excuse me? me and my yoongs are absolutely a couple. he's just mad because he doesn't want to sing. but he will do anything to make me happy, right yoongs?" raena yanked yoongi close to her, and looked up at him, batting her eyes.

yoongi internally groaned. "yes r-raerae."

raena slapped his shoulder playfully and squealed, "isn't that cute!" she turned to the clerk. "aren't we so cute, like look at our matching hats! we got them at the thrift store because we're pulling an all nighter and we just wanted to get some really cools stuff at the thrift store like this funny shirt my boyfriend got me..."

yoongi flinched at the word.

"...but—oh hey! do you want to know when we first met. i have selfies of us too from our first date!" raena pulled away from yoongi and pulled out her phone. in her quick hand movements, she managed to add heart stickers to the picture of them in the bus before showing it to the clerk.

he sighed. "whatever, you're in room 3. order of one platter is also on the house. if i find out you're not a couple, you're out and banned and you have to pay. "

raena jumped up and down making yoongi roll his eyes. the two walked to the room 3 and went inside.

yoongi sat himself on the couch and narrowed his eyes at raena as she excitedly went to the microphone. "you know you didn't have to be so dramatic and over the top with your acting? it made it seem like you have no idea how to like someone."

raena scoffed, "puh-lease he's probably seen crazier. plus i had to make sure i sold it," raena turned behind her at the little tablet where you could pick the song you want to sing and quickly muttered her breathe. "i also have no idea what it's like to be a girlfriend. i have only tv and webtoon experience so..."

yoongi raised a brow as he felt his heart skip a beat in fear at the thought of having said something offensive. he quickly calmed down.

"wait you don't—i mean you haven't been a girlfriend before—i mean in a relationship?" he asked.

she shook her head and avoided his gaze, "no...i haven't!" this is embarassing, she thought. she raised a brow curiously and turned back to him. "have you? because then i wouldn't have to have done all the work just now!"

yoongi sighed as he thought about his past girlfriends. he has only had three. 1 when he was much younger and another in high school. the last one whom he spent a much shorter time with than the rest was a few years ago. no messy breakups or hard feelings but the things he felt for them in his relationships have been an inspiration for his writing. he wasn't sure if he could call it love but they all incited a different feeling in him that allowed him to produce music. good music.

"i had been in a few relationship before but nothing serious and it ended fine," yoongi said, glancing at raena who was rolling her eyes. he managed a chuckle. "what? do you think i'm lying?"

raena shook her head at his chuckle and flipped her hair over one shoulder. "no but i just find it extremely hard to believe that someone would actually want to be in a relationship with you."

if it had been someone else he would have been offended but he could tell from that small smirk she had and the playful tone that she had been kidding.

THE WRONG NOTE | m.ygHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin