chapter : two

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"erm," min yoongi mumbled as the sleeping girl on his shoulder began to snore. he rolled his eyes as he realized she was sleeping for real. it was not some nap.

he attempted to pushed her off with his shoulder but her head was too heavy.

seriously, what the hell is her head made out of bricks?

he lay his phone on his lap just as the bus halted to a stop. his phone flew out of his lap and on the floor.

yoongi let out a groan of frustration. as people began leaving, he used both hands to push her off. it took some strength as she was completely unconscious so he scrunched his nose as he pushed her. gently of course. he was annoyed at the girl but he wasn't going to hurt her.

her head was out of his shoulder for a second and he took the chance to quickly grab his phone before her head slid back down behind him.

yoongi cursed under his breathe as he realized if he moved back the slightest bit, her face would be crushed.

he rolled his eyes and let out a sigh before turning in his seat and grabbing her by the shoulders and lifting her up. he tried repositioning her against the window which worked for some time.

yoongi sighed in relief and went back to his position as the bus returned to its journey. he put his phone in the pocket of his jeans and leaned back to get comfortable. he shut his eyes.

suddenly he heard the sound of the stranger besides him shuffle and he felt the familiar weight in his shoulder.

"agh." he groaned.

no one on the bus seem to notice his struggle since he was in the back but they didn't care either.

sighing, he opened his eyes and looked at her face. it was covered by strands of dark hair but he could just about see her eyes. her lips, vaguely familiar, were parted just as bit as she breathed deeply. but there were something about her lips...the way drool poured from it and into his shirt!

he yelped. this time he pushed her and got up at the same time. he was loud enough that her eyes slowly opened.

he threw his hands to his side, "you have got to be freaking kidding me!"

the stranger rubbed her eyes and stretched with a tired smile on her face.

"that was a pretty good sleep" she murmured.

yoongi scoffed.

"pretty good? you drooled on my shirt!" he exclaimed in annoyance.

she turned to him and made a confused frown. she stared at his face for a moment before looking at the mess she had made in his shirt. her eyes widened. her first instinct was to laugh at this encounter but her mind then swerved to apologize.

"oh crappy! oh my goodness i am so sorry! that's sooo embarrassing! i didn't mean to fall asleep on you i was just really tired you know long day at work. but i promise i'll buy you a new one! deal?" she pleaded, using her shoulder to rub the left over drool from her mouth.

"what? no! i can just wash it," he scoffed.

"but my dna is on your shirt! what if i die and the police find my dna on your shirt? that's evidence! you should burn it," raena tried reasoning. she felt extremely guilty.

never had yoongi thought when he woke up this afternoon that someone would be telling him to burn his shirt as evidence for a murder case of an annoying girl who hasn't died yet.

yoongi stared at her in disbelief as they reached the next stop. i think i prefer it when she was knocked out.

"no you're a stranger and i don't need another reason to see you again" yoongi scoffed once again. "forget it." with that, he left not even caring that this wasn't his stop.


raena was not about to let him leave like that. he didn't even accept her apology! despite her slightly drowsy state, she picked her skates and ran after him.

"hey you!" she exclaimed. "why won't you let me buy you a shirt?"

the guy didn't bother looking back as he headed towards a park nearby.

"come on! please~ i feel really bad and i don't even know your name! i'm jeon raena by the way!" she called out stopping at the gate of the park. she debated whether or not to follow him further.

he waved a hand as if to shoo her and continued walking.

"fine! leave! i'm still buying you a shirt! hmpf!"

how she would buy, where she would find him, she didn't know how or where. but one thing she knew is that this encounter, the most randomist thing she'd ever encountered in such a long time of her day-to-day life of balancing three part time jobs was not something she or fate or whatever was just going to let pass her by. you don't just drool on a guy's shirt any other day.

especially not min yoongi's.


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