Chapter 55: All Hallows Eve*

Start from the beginning

"I don't care what Anne thinks. I'm doing what I need to do for once."

Fucking hell. I hope her spirit has followed us to Ilvermorny because he's getting fucking haunted for that one.

Sebastian's icy response stung, but I refused to let him see the tears that welled up in my eyes. With a clenched jaw, I turned away from him and walked back to my potion station.

The rest of the class felt like an eternity, and I barely paid attention to the lecture on the intricacies of brewing the Draught of Living Death. Sharp had done this with me before anyway. So it was pointless.

As the class finally came to an end, I packed up my things, attempting to put on a brave face. I didn't want anyone to know how I really felt. Except Lawson, who had apparently been observant throughout the lesson, throwing me a sympathetic look.

"Are you alright, Olive?" he asked, concerned.

I managed a weak smile. "I'll be fine, Lawson. Just a rough day."

Before I could say anything more, Sebastian abruptly walked past us, not sparing me a second glance. It was clear that he had no intention of reconciling or even acknowledging the pain he was putting me through.

I suffered through the next few days, itching to get the stupid ball over and done with. And then the 31st of October had finally arrived.

The atmosphere in the common room was electric. And I fucking hated it.

I could tell Daisy was trying to hide her obvious excitement for my sake, but I indulged her and let her be happy. I helped her choose her dress and shoes that matched, I pulled her short curly hair into a ribbon for her and popped the blush on her cheeks.

"Do I look alright?" Daisy said as I pulled the ribbon tight on the top of her corset bodiced gown. It was a delicate dusty blue colour and complimented her red hair beautifully.

"You look incredible, Daisy." I said, almost allowing a tear to well in my eye. "Emmett is so lucky."

Daisy's face lit up as I finished helping her lace the dress and she stood back to take in the completed look.

"Oh, look at me checking out myself. Should we get you ready?" She said, spinning around with a pirouette, her dress mesmerising me as it spun.

"I suppose." I mumbled.

With Daisy's help, I begrudgingly prepared myself for the ball. I picked up the shimmering black gown Imelda had sent me, wishing dearly I'd just decided to put it aside and not go.

Daisy assisted me with my hair, elegantly arranging it into a loose updo that allowed a few tendrils to frame my face. When I looked in the mirror, I almost didn't recognise myself. The gown and hairstyle transformed me into someone I hadn't seen in a long time.

"Wow, Olive. You look stunning," Daisy exclaimed.

I managed a small smile. "Thank you, Daisy."

"We should head out. Lawson and Emmett will be waiting." Daisy said, propping open the door for me.

As we walked down the corridor towards the grand hall where the ball was taking place, my heart was racing. I couldn't help but wonder if I'd run into Sebastian during it, if he was even attending at all.

When we entered the hall, it was like stepping into another world. The decorations were enchanting, with floating candles and enchanted pumpkins spread about the room. The music filled the air, and coupled-up students were swirling around the dance floor in their elegant attire.

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