Distant Friends And An Almost Repeated Cycle.

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Behind Mary's hospitable character is a story new to Koke, who returns to work after his week off expires. He requests the manager to dismiss Halima's presence at the company offices until he feels stable enough to interact with the old girl again. There's a bit of hesitancy from the boss because the accountant's seducer pleads for her forgiveness after the fortnight-long suspension. Also, it'll look unfair if the delivery expert is restricted every time her victim is around.

“Why are you suddenly altering your idea of working with her?” Mary asks on coming to Koke's cubicle. “I think this time around, you have to try and move past the seduction. Just like the poor girl is trying to.”

The junior accountant shrugs. “It's fine. She can still be around but on condition she enters my office not.”

“Cool. I'm going to make a difficult decision but if it backfires, my hands will be tied and I shall have to bend with the others for the better.” Mary says. Koke nods to her statement before she makes clearer her intentions. “Let's agree that Halima won't be around this week but she'll return next week with the restrainment off your workspace. I hope you two will stick to it and mess not this place. No confrontations. No nothing.” Her brows arch with an authoritative countenance to which the junior accountant continually nods slowly, his gaze undivided towards hers.

She exits his office after wishing him good luck with his return, a smile being the last flash she offers. Work gets on slowly, giving him more time to pose thoughtfully in his seat. His workmates frequently wake him out of the daydreams, a few expressing their concerns thereof.

Halima is now absent, an indicator that his request successfully manifests into the reality that he wishes for earlier on. Mary only visits him thrice for the rest of the week and she doesn't bring up Halima in her statements. Not even Mr. Fang. The manager only asks him about business and how he's doing. Her distance is sheer, unlike the woman who regularly wants to be near him before recently.

Marion should fill the void but the firstborns' vibe shrinks just like their conversations. It's now Auntie Fina's son to initiate the chats so that their inboxes remain alive. Regardless, the psychic keeps her relationship with the lad's dad a secret.

Before the Halima drama, the lass is one to usually turn to but that now is very risky. The senior accountant is Koke's latest proximate buddy to keep the former more company than the females.

Meanwhile, the junior accountant is no longer so much into the fellatios and beers, something anyone would predict to be his resort during a period when his friends are no longer close. He looks to be abandoned though he frequents eating out more than previously. The rum in his fridge is constantly available despite his daily sips. In the place of formerly regular noshes comes the not equally intense frigs and during one of the self-service sessions, he experiments to see whether he can use his love stick in a new extraordinary manner but it all ends up in failure.

A new week starts and Koke has the task of being more alert now that Halima is resuming her appearance at the firm headquarters. The chick already knows the limits but bumping into each other with her seduction victim is a potent guarantee. Whenever she comes to the offices, she walks past the junior accountant's like it's non-existent. At times, the dude catches a glimpse of her figure passing by but he quickly withdraws his sight to refocus on the monitor.

Other workmates are free to come in and go as many times as they wish and none of them approaches Koke with the Halima topic. Previously at the company, it's a different story. Persuasion from colleagues to force a reconciliation is the order of the day.

Luck is on the junior accountant's side because Robert is around to always receive Halima and work with her file. The woman usually appears once in the afternoon and her flu-characterised voice always penetrates the walls across from Robert's cubicle to Koke's. A look of scorn is the commonest on her old boy's visage whenever she giggles.

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