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Koke sighs. It is clear that this situation is heavy. He doesn't say no to the blowjob services back at the pub. He barely touches a workmate who comes with an enticing look and fashion. How hard! Just like the door onto which his forehead leans together with the length of his forearm up to this moment. His eyes move in all directions. He must be having many thoughts about this visit.

The woman outside swallows her fears. She goes ahead to raise her hand from underneath the warmth she and the accountant's jacket create.

Mr Frown every time does it again after the knock. He takes quite a number of seconds to get himself off the door which he unlocks as if he's about to kick a face. He almost yanks it but he as soon as possible fits himself into control.

The two work colleagues look at each other without any surprise indicator. One might think they're telepathic. "You're right." The lady mentions with a better voice than the one she uses whilst exiting previously. "It's late. I don't think I can make it home alone. And....And I don't want to risk your life either." She adds and completes her statement regardless of some kind of hesitation. Koke tilts his head, maintaining his frown that is getting weaker by the second. "So....Do you mind me spending the night here?" Her request is almost a whisper. "I swear I won't be a burden. I'm scared, Koke." She whispers the last bit.

The lad huffs and blinks long enough prior to his grant of access to the secretary to his abode again. Mary blinks and swallows a little before thanking him as she enters. She now stands at the end of the sofa facing the main door. As her guest makes his way too, he halts an arm's length from her. Her back faces him as he looks at her for a moment. Her arms are folded below her chest and her posture makes her look lost.

"Mary." The deep voice is firm. Quickly, she looks over her shoulder at the caller. Her expression is of despair. She's pleading without saying it out loud. "I'll use the couch. Come, lemme show you the bedroom." Koke suggests. The woman turns completely to him. Her vow not to be a disturbance still stands. She ought to follow his lead.

Koke turns to face the direction of the bed chamber when Mary murmurs something. He turns immediately in response and asks the feme whether she's saying something. His forehead is formally frown-rich as he observes the secretary's affirmative nod.

"Yeah. I'm just saying that it's okay." She admits it clearer though with a husky reard. She clears her throat as the accountant's facial expression changes to one of pity. He seems to want to say something but the visitor is always good at beating him to the talking. "But wait, Koke." She closes the gap between them, only leaving a small space for their chests not to touch. She looks into his black-brown orbs. Her own chestnut-brown ones are unsettled as they move left, right and centre whilst she studies the comrade's. "There's something you're not telling me, Koke." She speaks only for her and him to hear. "Tell me."

The lad looks away from her and this is followed by a silence like no other. The feminine hands make their way to the guy's idle ones dangling by his sides in a slow manner. From the look of her invasion, her touch is to soothe, sweetly poison and soften the male to speak. 'Say something' is written on her countenance. "I know there's something you're feeling and I....I feel it too. I know it's hard for you to say but I can assure you something. With me, you're safe. Okay? You're safe. Say it. Admit it. Accept it. I swear I won't tell anyone. Let's do it Koke, c'mon. I can feel it right from the heat off your chest. Koke please."

Koke is still looking away at a corner of the room past the television set. He says nothing. Only a lengthy and shaky outward breath leaves his nostrils. Mary is not letting go of her mission. She still holds the guy's hands in hers. She goes ahead to lift them towards her lips but Bob's accountant is still alive in the game and thus he resists. He tightens his muscles before the woman can tempt him any further. This, his home, is not the garden of Eden. He resists being tough by turning his wrists gently out of the secretary's touch. The covess's eyes are shut from the moment the workmate tightens his muscles under her touch. Belike she thinks of a slap on her face. At least, she won't see him do it. Her body is calm without a tremble whilst her hands remain in the position just below her face where Koke's abandon them and their half-done job of carrying the accountant's to the secretary's lips that are still closed as well.

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