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"Um....I'm not a fan of romance." His voice is little and in it lies intimidation for the boy accountant. The last word is almost a whisper.

Mary grins. "You're not a fan of romance. Why?" She whispers. The lad gasps. This must be uncomfortable for him.

"I'm just not a fan." His voice comes out clearer this time around, though his expression looks panicky. The woman raises her brows before placing her now empty plate onto the table. She refills her glass and settles back into her position. She looks at Koke with a fresh typical Mary smile.

"Koke, have you ever been a victim of flirting?"

The dude shakes his head.

"What do you mean by....?" She shakes her head in stereotype.

"I don't know." The host answers reluctantly, avoiding her looks. He rests his plate on the table and finds his seat again. He stretches one arm along the top length of the couch and places the other on his thigh.

"Oh? So, is that answer proving to me your innocence as I claim you're?" The secretary empties her glass following her question. She stands a bit to refill the flute as Koke watches. She repeats her query after the co-worker replies not. A shake of his head is his delayed response. "I really don't know why you're overshaking your head tonight. Boy, don't break your neck." The visitor sips on her treat.

The fellow sighs, mentioning that he perhaps doesn't know how to answer the woman's question. His reard is low.

"Maybe you don't. Maybe you do. How about you answer?" Mary asks and drinks from the glass once more. The accountant makes a lengthy blink with a slight shake of his head. Mary's eyes seem heavy as they try to observe him and his actions during a one-minute silence in the room. In a frail voice, "Koke?" She calls. The lad turns to her call. His countenance is impassive. He raises his brows. The belle shifts in her position and tilts her head. Her eyes are still fighting to remain alert in her trial to focus on the dude.

"I wasn't satisfied with your response but it's okay. Perhaps, you want a change in topic and I'm just gonna do that." In the same weak and low voice, she says before shifting further. This time around, she carries her legs onto the sofa. Bob's accountant looks from her tempting limbs to a mischievous smile on her visage. "Let's talk about work." She suggests, her smile unforgiving.

Koke is persistent with his reaction. A sigh again and the familiar shake of his head. Mary moves her toes towards the guy's right thigh. He is now facing the television set as if there's something interesting to watch. Its screen is black with no sign of activity. "Work. Work is interesting." He answers. The secretary raises her eyebrows with a downward curl of her lips. She thereafter sips on the alcohol.

Koke glimpses at her drinking and he does that fast enough not to get caught. By the time the fellow worker rests the glass on the table, he's staring at the TV once more.

"Oh, man. You don't know how up and down I was huh?" Mary says, her voice more lively. The lad next to her blinks and swallows a lump in his throat prior to the breakaway of his look from the television. "Man, I'd to literally fill in for the boss." She nods with her index finger on her chin. "Anyway, almost everyone filled in for someone. Everyone was busy. You see, every year around this time, it's hectic. I wonder why." She glances at the accountant before she remembers something. "Oh! I guess I know why. It's independence day on Monday. Yooo! No wonder....No wonder I've seen more people in town recently. Have you?" She looks at the host. Koke responds by looking at her with an unsure expression.

"Not really." He says. Mary's eyes scrunch at his reply.

"Really? Hah. Which town are you in? Moa or...some ghost city?" The lady grins as her eyes look at the lad in an unbelievable manner.

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