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The pair remains like that with their chests tight together, the fostress's arms around the accountant's shoulders. Her face is looking down the guy's back, who's still like a log with his arms against his sides. His face is without any expression as he faces the huge window opposite them.

He blinks and adjusts in Marion's hold but the lady only cuts on the intensity of her capture, allowing his arms some freedom. Koke lifts his hands hesitantly whilst his eyes try to get a look at her back. He pauses the hands mid-air and steals another glance at the small of her back. Slowly and cautiously, he places his open palms at the particular back position. Auntie Catherina's daughter shudders a bit at the contact but her arms remain around the dude's shoulders.

Five firm taps on the door cut through the silence. The female shifts her hands around the visitor's back before assigning herself the authority and voluntariness to get to the door. The long hug ceases to be. Koke keeps all his focus towards the window, his hands inside his pockets.

"Yes, who is it?" Marion asks solidly as she adjusts her top, smoothly running both palms down and sideways her visage.

"It is the lunch delivery you ordered, miss." A male voice answers from the outside. Auntie Fina's son looks down, a mini sigh flowing down his nose holes. The psychic looks over her shoulder to him before summoning herself to unlock and open the door.

"Good afternoon, madam." Together with a smile, the young black lad with a medium build stands adjacent to the entrance.

"Hi, good afternoon. Well done." The babe's expression appears light and simple. No smile but welcoming.

"Thank you. So, you got to sign....Here. " They both close the space between them while the dude shows her where to sign on a documented paper, something like a receipt. He presents it with the lunch box beneath prior to the lady's scribbling of her signature. She hands back the pen to him while he looks closely at her sig spot on the paper.

They exchange gratitudes as he hands her the box, wishing her a nice and enjoyable lunch before waving at her, his smile undying. Marion tries to come up with one but it is clearly a plastic result. She turns in prior to closing and locking the door, her eyes looking from the brown delivery box to where Koke....

He's no longer in sight.

Her jaw drops slightly. She begins to walk hesitantly towards the glass table, her mouth remaining open but she doesn't even call his name. She carefully places the delivery down on the table before her hands touch her waist with a sigh, her lips sealing with an inward fold. Her head turns first to her right when she commences sauntering in a search effort. She decides to go past the cupboard into the next corridor, advancing and disappearing on a single turn.

She's now approaching another room, the milky white door to it half open. She swallows while her little steps carry her to the entrance. She's about to push the door in further but it moves without her touch. Koke's head comes into view and the CID aide gasps on the spot. Her brows arch and her forehead frowns with effect while her black eyes widen.

"Sorry." Mutters the male firstborn. "You got a beautiful bedroom in here." He gestures behind him with his thumb as he walks out.

The fostress eyes him as if disappointed. "You now realise that I'm human, don't you?" She swiftly alters her countenance to appear tough and serious, her arm stretching out to block the dude from accessing his way out.

The half-blood is looking at her with a neutral-innocent face. He nods and breaks his eye contact with her hotness. "I get it. I'm sorry. You know, I was just tryna tour the place. I like it." His voice is barely a whisper. "By the way, where's your kitchen?" His tone uplifts with traces of excitement, his countenance lightening. He glances behind him and back to the owner of the apartment.

FALSE ClairvoyanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon