More Eccentricity

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Through the transparent glass in front of his office desk, he perceives Mary interacting with some of the other cubicle occupants. She's repeatedly smiling widely and slightly in a navy blue knee-level tight-sleeve dress. The light lip gloss is part of the beautiful smile she exhibits while listening and talking to the fellows at the communication points.

Koke gets back to work with his eyes looking over the papers. There are a lot of calculations on them courtesy of cash, cheques and balances. He looks behind him before he sinks into his chair. His eyes grab the secretary still having a good time with the other co-workers. Even when he looks back to the monitor screen, something keeps on pulling his attention to the office lady who pays for their lunch the previous day.

The accountant begins his work with the computer but his concentration is not any better. The covess causing all this is shifting from cubicle to cubicle with a white file in the bend of her elbow. It's as though she's collecting some information and the people she's getting it from are grinning back at her lightness. Her movements keep on racking the lower end of her dress. She makes a move, disappearing into a further end of the room where Koke's sight can't reach. The guy gives up on feeding his eyes with the belle.

Back to work.

He's some minutes into seriousness when a figure shows up at the entrance to his workspace. "Hey you." He speaks with a voice deeper than Koke's.

"Tsup." Koke replies.

"The usual. I just came to check on you. I've been told you got some files for both of us this morning." The man completes right at the moment he stands inches away from the fellow in the chair.

"Yeah. They look good. The bosses will like them." Koke replies, smiling vaguely.

"Of course. It's obvious. I mean, with the current trend of sales,...." He winks, giving off a smile before turning in his black suit to excuse himself. Koke's grin is now genuine.

Robert is the other of the two accountants of Bob's and he's the guy occupying the office just next to Koke's.


He walks with his focus on the green stain on his right thumb. At first, they are two marks. One on the thumb and another on the index finger. Probably,  his bath on his return from the beach that evening aids in the removal of the stain on the forefinger.

He's in a dark grey hoodie covering his head. In his caramel brown pair of casual slim-fitting pants and black shoes with black laces and white soles, he moves slightly slowly on a not-that-crowded street.

 In his caramel brown pair of casual slim-fitting pants and black shoes with black laces and white soles, he moves slightly slowly on a not-that-crowded street

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“Bro! Watch your front before you hit the reality!” A deep froggy voice from his left shudders him a bit from the daydream. He turns his face only to see an almost middle-aged-looking guy. He's sitting on a stool-like crate. He openly smiles at Koke with his light yellow teeth.

Koke quickly looks away from the disgust his sight settling on a cart ahead of him. The guy with a frog steven is right. Koke's about to meet with the cart. Not with a crush thanks to his snail speed. He looks at the cart filled with sugarcane. At one end of it sits a man with a moderately long beard that's mostly grey with some black underneath his bottom lip. His fashion suits beggars regardless of the look that he owns a sugarcane cart that's most probably for business. Koke shifts his look from the canes to the light-skinned man with a grey loose turban. He looks back at the accountant with calmness but it is hard trusting the expression from him. He sits on his cart like the street lord.

All along, Koke's in some trance. He adjusts his stance and continues to walk past the cart and its probable owner. The grey-bearded fella's face turns following Koke's figure as the lad goes forward in slow steps. It's like a slow-motion bubble is covering this part of the street. Koke turns his head and looks behind him. He notices the cart man's undying calm look and his unaltered sitting position. Only his head is turned with his torso twisted.

Koke swiftly shifts his attention to the other guy sitting on the stool-like thingy. The man's back faces a canoe-shaped dark greenish-grey container that seems to be holding rubbish or something of the sort. His arms are built and he too is clad weirdly though his outfit is more describable than that of the bloke with a turban. He's busy handling something in a light army green metallic bucket. He looks unbothered and his attention is entirely on whatever he's up to with the bucket content. The dude he shouts at a few minutes ago is still looking at him.

Meanwhile, Koke is not still while he looks behind. He realises this and quickly jumps out of the hell movie. He looks forward again. There's an empty street ahead of him. Completely empty. The reaction on his visage is of stun. He is the only person heading in that direction.

He glimpses at the two-way road on his right, seeing some cars on the far right going in the same direction as his. He hesitates in his movements but continues regardless. His pace is slow and careful. It's still only him heading in that direction. No one moves past him to head where he's going and no one is coming from that direction as well.

He looks behind him. The man on the cart and the other adjacent to the greenish-grey container are now minute in appearance. He stops moving and looks in front of him once more.

No one is coming from that direction.


I'm wondering whether this should be the last part I'm adding while at school. Trust me, I've tried to squeeze time for the last three chapters off the campus schedules and I feel like I've reached my limits. Chapter six has taken me three weeks to edit and publish here and that's why I'm stating all I'm stating. This is the shortest chapter so far but I taking all that long to have it published means something. It means I'm too caught up here at college. Perhaps, I might resume the editing and publishing when I get more time after my studies...and I'm just guessing that time will be there.

Anyway, the newest is here. Regardless of the destructions, I've made it here. I'm excited that the abnormal scenes of this book are uncovering and more is yet to come. That's the meaning of interesting to me. Thank you for giving FALSE Clairvoyance your time. More parts are in stock for the readers. I pray for more time to reveal a continuous and eye-catching build up.

The Story Continues....

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