Work Intensity and The Off Ghost

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There's always only one file on his desk to which he gives all his concentration whilst working on it. Today is an exception. Regardless of his timely arrival at the office, there are three files on his desk awaiting his expertise. He's a bit faster cause surely, his workmates will need their files in no time. Lucky enough, he ain't interrupted by the sorts of phone calls, or friendly and flirty co-workers. It's basically Mary fond of checking on him like it's her mandate to fulfil that.

He doesn't have that much space even for a chat but he's successful at frequently checking on his thumb admiringly. He moves not from his seat ever since morning. Not even a visit to the washrooms. He checks on his watch and his expression is awash with subtle surprise. It's lunchtime already. Normally, the offices start to get empty at around this time but one glance at the work area shows something different. His desk is void of any file, an indicator that he can perhaps march for lunch before anyone else from the field team comes to engage him. He looks at his grey metallic-cased analogue watch once more before taking in the rest of the lower floor of Bob's headquarters. He pulls out his phone from his pocket and checks on the screen which indicates the same time as his watch. He gets to his feet for the first time since his morning arrival. He pockets his phone and grabs the cubicle keys from his bag before leaving hesitantly and slowly. He goes whilst observing the busy aura.

As he proceeds, he looks over his shoulder with the attention directed towards the stairs that lead to the secretary's office. He halts his movement a bit but he nevertheless continues his walk out.


He decides to check on the chin hair disturber who usually sits near a canoe-shaped container. He only finds the cart owner available but his behaviour around the old man is sheer cowardice of the accountant to talk to the sugarcane seller about what brings him here.

“Hey, he's not here today. Any message I can deliver just in case?” The cart man smiles at the lad. Koke's stare back at the fellow should be scary but the guy maintains his smile. The visiting dude copies not the older bloke's countenance as he walks slowly towards the cart onto which the owner sits at a corner of the front end. The bearded fella's visage turns for an encounter just before the accountant stops a few metres away.

“Um....Good evening Sir.” Koke greets.

“Good evening son.” The older man responds with self-assurance and a returning smile. Koke's mouth remains a bit open but he's probably lacking an additional statement.

“Hey lad, come. Come.” The old man gestures for the accountant. “You do not need to be far. What if I don't grasp whatever message you have?” The cart owner's expression is light regardless of a smile's absentia. The younger one obeys with difficulty. Koke's attention is on the cart before its attendant tells him to look up.

He lifts his attention, his phiz alike with his original stare. “Um....Is....” He points towards the space near the grey-green container where one other street usually occupies.

Before he can even finish his query, “He ain't around.” The sugarcane seller butts in. “Since morning he hasn't been here. I don't know what's up with him but definitely anytime from now or tomorrow he might be around, again.” He shrugs as he accomplishes his explanation.

“Ohw....” The young lad reacts, looking at the ground as the cane businessperson nods. “Do you think I can wait for him since you've said he might turn up here anytime?” The dude asks. The responder shakes his head with a smile on and lines forming at the sides of his eyes.

“No. Don't bother yourself. I also don't know whether he'll be around. I'm just a predictor.” The bearded bloke says. Their attention gets briefly carried away by someone approaching the spot. “But if you have any messages I can deliver, you know, I'm here.” The old guy shrugs before easing himself off the carrier. Koke's eyes move in many directions simultaneously prior to his open denial that he lacks any messages.

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