Survival Trauma

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Bright white.

Just white.

A prodigious purely snow-white complete cloud with no borders.

No specks.

Nothing more than that.

An iterate trifle beep seeps into the situation, getting louder with each succession. Following that, the whiteness begins to wobble between itself and seaweed green while the pip is loudest.

This movement is a result of eyelid motions of someone waking up, tiny hairs temporarily obstructing their view. Their focus turns from the green ceiling to their left-the source of the repeating electronic sound. As the individual's vision becomes clearer, they turn to their right.

Two figures are looking down at whoever the lying person is in a pitiful manner. Marion is one of them. The other is a fair-skinned guy with a full beard. He wears a short Afro and a dark-green pea coat into which he's pocketing. A smile creeps onto his visage on getting the lying person's attention.

They drag their attention to Marion, whose countenance still holds sadness. A liquid-like substance blurs the vision of the individual on their back. Their sight moves not nonetheless, keeping the feme in the fuzzy focus that gets sharper when the liquid flows away.

"Marion?" The typical voice of Auntie Fina's son asks on behalf of the person in the horizontal position. Catherina's daughter blinks weakly, managing a very temporary smile on her still sombre expression. Koke shifts his focus onto the young man next to the psychic but he says nothing.

The door to the room ajars and the lying lad quickly drives his attention to its direction. The door further opens, in majestically walking a guy of medium height with a cool-honey skin colour, a balbo and short straight black hair. In one hand, he holds a stethoscope and a light blue clip file in the other.

The patient's eyes widen and he swiftly returns his look of a thousand hidden questions to the fostress. While the door is still wide open, a woman with a demeanor quite similar to that of Fina appears at its entrance. Alongside her is a tall black bald guy in a black suit with a yellow-gold tie on a white shirt. One of his strong-looking arms encircles the upper back of the lady whilst the other holds her mid-arm. The female is looking down, clearly sad and the man's support system keeps her low-energy form in place. Her sobs are soft but still audible due to the near emptiness and silence of the room.

Marion and the fella adjacent to her turn to acknowledge the incoming before Koke follows suit, his expression yet to understand all that he wakes up to. His eyes land briefly on the pair that walks in slowly, quickly jumping to the doctor in light-blue hospital attire-a short sleeve saggy shirt and loose pants. He's all smiley as he observes the lad on the bed.

Meanwhile, Fina's son has to check on everything as though he has no time. His attention gets back to the woman under the support of a male companion. "Mum?" His countenance now possesses dire anxiety.

Fina lifts her visage in slow motion. Her eyes and the skin around them are damp. As she takes in her son, her black eyes get larger and her mouth is gradually opening. In a split second, she steals a glance at the doctor who's already grinning in her direction. Oh yes. She can't wait. She can't wait to rush to her boy, hug him, kiss him and nuzzle him with the two sharing tears on each other's skin.

Before she succeeds at that, she cups her cheeks with her palms when she pulls in a gush of air through her open mouth. "Koke?!" She can't help the electricity in her steven. Neither can she obey any order except the one that tells her to hurry to her son and embrace him.

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