Kitten Eyes, Mary's Lie And....

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The junior accountant is joking when he tells the secretary that he's to arrive at work so early. He gets to office on time but not as early as the early bird workmates. It's a miracle to beat the ladies working in the cubicles opposite his when it comes to arriving early.

Mary usually comes in later than most employees here. She perhaps does it intentionally because she's fond of greeting everyone with her bonhomie on her arrival. She's next to the boss and the hierarchy immunity kind of grants her a late-coming excuse.

The manager is the rarest figure in office and he's completely away for most of the days. He only appears at the headquarters for a few hours when he visits before excusing himself for other businesses.

Koke is already settled for work, a calm visage looking at the monitor screen with often blinking. His right hand is on the mouse when a familiar figure walks past his work zone. His alertness is sharp this morning cause he notices everyone that moves past his space.

The twist comes from the right side where Robert's office is but she seems not to be coming from the senior accountant's. Further right past Robert's office are the stairs leading up to the secretary's and manager's workspaces. Koke's sight follows the fairly tall light-skinned bird's movement. She stops at the entrance of the junior accountant's cubicle and her attempt to knock is not given the chance to yield as the occupant is quick to let her in.

She's in a red knee-length pencil skirt that hugs her slim body and a white formal top with short sleeves. Her eyes look like those of a kitten and her smile is permanent. The dame exhibits a humble posture while standing in front of Koke as if he's the employer.

Most of the co-workers part of the field team allow him privacy as he carries out his duties but this chick waits in his office until further notice. Whilst the lady still stands in front of the accountant, “Um....” The guy swallows and takes a glance at her smiley face.

The belle slightly leans down towards him in response to his upcoming suggestion or comment. “I'm working on it. Sooo....Give me five minutes and I'll be done. You'll come for it.” He lets her know in a hushed tone. The feme's eyes widen a little while she retains her smile.

She offers a soft nod. “Alright.” Her voice comes out sweet before she turns fast for the exit. Koke lets a gush out of his mouth and turns to the screen facing him.


At lunchtime, the manager calls all the workers for a brief notice. The printed announcement stuck on the cubicle wall of the junior accountant's office informs all.

He closes and locks his office door at the same time his eyes take in the congregation of fellow workers awaiting the manager's pending message. He joins them in silence as most murmur all sorts of probables from position alterations to closure of the business. Koke looks around from head to head without a word to anyone. Next to him is a small group talking about the possible changes that might happen to the enterprise's name.

The indistinct sounds lie away beginning from the front of the crowd, the silence spreading to the back once the big man steps down from the last stair leading off the upper floor. Alongside him are the secretary and Robert.

The expression on Koke's visage is hardly surprising. A few lines draw across his forehead. Mary is well all of a sudden or....She's good at pranks. If the manager knows about her absentia today, there are questions about how they pose together in the eyes of everyone in the congregation the junior accountant inclusive.

The boss is smart in a black suit with a purple tie.

The boss is smart in a black suit with a purple tie

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