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I somehow reached p'freen's house. Her maid opened the door for me. I was late for  15 minutes. So I am willing to stay for 15 minutes longer.

I saw aunty was preparing for dinner.

" Hi aunty how are you?"

She looks at me then her face is filled with happiness. Her beautiful soft smile always peaceful. I kind of wonder how is someone like p'freen is her daughter.

She came to embrace me. I also embrace her.

" Oh! It's you my dear. I thought freen came back."

" P'freen isn't home?" I confusingly asked. Because she left office a while ago. Why isn't she home.

" No dear. She came back and told me to prepare dinner and then rushed out around 2 pm."

" Yeah! She came to the office around 2.30. but she left immediately."

" I don't know what that girl is doing anymore. Once she said she wanna leave all the filthy life behind and live a honest life. Now she is going around like this. I am so done with her..,...."  Aunty started mumbling her worries and got busy setting up the table.

" Aunty can I help?" I asked.

" Of course dear. Get me some water glasses from the counter top in the kitchen." She said.

I do as she said. i came to the kitchen. I can still hear the plates clinching in the dinning room. I was looking for the glasses. I can't find them so I look around. I opened the fridge to see .and I saw a mysterious box behind some cereal boxes.

It doesn't look like a box for glass. What is it?

I opened it and saw a finger. A human finger with blood and a ring probably a engagement ring.

I was so afraid I dropped the box. It was a small cardboard box. It dropped with the finger and blood drops on the floor. I started sweating. And the door bell rings at the same moment.

A small scream left my mouth. " Ahh...!." I quickly closed my mouth with hand. I can hear aunty saying...

" Oh! If this  time it isn't freen. She is gonna have a explanation to do... This girl will be the reason for my death......."

She went to the door and opened it.

It's maybe p'freen.

" Oh.. what took you so long... That girl is waiting for so long. You invited her and then you are late......"

They came to dining room.

I was so afraid if p'freen finds out I have discovered her secret box what she'll do?
Also scared cause I have a human finger on the floor and blood drops.

I quickly put the finger back in the box. Then started to wipe of the floor with a cloth. I also put the box back where it belongs.

I am so sweating right now. My dress is all wet.

I can hear p'freen asking about me.

Luckily when I bend down to clean the floor I found the glasses are under the counter top. In a tray.

I picked up the tray quickly ran to the dining room.

My hands are shaking. I am feeling sick. I feel like I am going to puke.

When I enter the dining room. p'freen was talking to her mom.

" Mom ... I am sorry... But my work. I had..." She stopped when ahe saw me enter .

She looked at me and said..." I am sorry becky. I was stuck at work. I had to meet the new model to give her the new contract. And then nam got sick... I am sorry...."

" You don't have to say sorry. You invited me at 8 anyway. I was early..." I faked a smile.

She sighed in relief. But I am no way near peace. I am freaked out. But thanks to my training as a criminal lawyer I am learn to hide my feelings.

But I am still feeling sick. Now I can't control. Everything is coming up.... I need to vomit.

" Where is the bathroom....?" I covered my mouth with my hands.

P'freen and aunty both were surprised. They showed me the way with there fingers. Which didn't help by the way.

I ran towards the direction. I almost vomited outside. But managed to puke in the sink at time. I looked up at the mirror and then washed my face with some water. I tried to think about what I just saw. And how is she behaving so naturally while having a human finger in her fridge..? With foods they eat...

Oh my god! I am sick again. I throw up every thing I had left. Then washed my face again. Then I looked up and saw p'freen standing right behind me. Like she just appeared out of no where.


I screamed. She held me.
" Bec it's me... I came here to give you this towel.. are you okay... It's okay. It's me...."

I took some deep breaths.

" What happened..?" She asked.

I think I calm down a bit. Now I can't stay here for long...

" I have to go....I have to go.... I am so sorry p'freen. But I have to go.."

" What?"

" Sorry but I can't so it today."

" Bec bec it's not about that. It's about you and your health. Make sure you're okay. First. I'll take you home if want. But you live alone. There's no one to take care of you. You're better here."

" No..!"

I quickly answered.

" What happened becky?" I heard another voice. It's p'nam.

" Oh! Look at you two. Freen holding her. It's like a couple having a baby. I almost forgot freen's woman. For sec I thought freen got you pregnant....!" P'nam started laughing.

" NAM.!" P'freen screamed at her.

" Jeez..! So serious. Sorry. Are you okay becbec?."

I was surprised to hear my nickname by p'freen is known to her.

" Nam!" P'freen warned her again.

" Let's take you up becky. Freen you also take rest you had a long day.." p'nam rised her eyebrows like giving a signal to p'freen.


P'nam took me to a room I was previously in.

" Now tell me what happened?" She sat beside the bed I was on.

" It's just...!"

" Come on becky. I know when a person is sick and when she is scared. I have seen this look every time someone see's freen. But I  never saw it on you. So tell me why are you looking like a wet kitten..?" She pat my hair.

" It's... I saw a box in the fridge..... A box with..." I hesitated a bit.

" Oh! You saw that box with a finger....?" She said and started laughing....

I still can't decide if the laughter was evil or not....

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