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When they stopped for the first time that day Tatiana didn't even bother to let Norris get out of the car. She locked her BMW the moment she closed her door and walked away. She bought those gas station sandwiches again, milk and a coke.
When she got back in the car she threw Norris' food and drink towards him and hoped she had hit his face. She did not. They ate their food in silence. Tatiana was still angry on the driver. A side of her understood his reactions, but another side of her was hurt.

"Thank you for the milk', he said, pulling her out of her thoughts. "Hm', was the only thing she said. "Are all British guys as mean as you?', she asked, poising dripping from her words. "Are all... whatever nationality you are so tempered?', he replied.
Her mouth dropped and she turned around in her seat. He was smiling. She started laughing and spilled some sauce of her food on her lap. When she was done laughing she took another bite of her sandwich and shook her head.

Suddenly he held his hand out, between the two front seats. She shook his hand and looked at him, her facial expression showing how she didn't understand what he was doing. "The keys', he said with an embarrassed look on his face. "What?', "from now on I want the keys of the car, so you can not lock me in or out of the car again and you can not run away', he explained.
She handed over the keys of the car and smiled at him. "What? No: 'you're a dick, Lando'?', he said in surprise. "I'm proud of you', she said while pretending to wipe away a tear. "You've grown a brain', she shook her head, as if she could not believe it. "Get out', he said while rolling with his eyes.

Laughing she did what he asked, walked around her BMW and got back in on the passengers seat. Norris sat next to her in the drivers seat. He wiped away some sweat that was forming on his brow and Tatiana wondered what was wrong.
"My head hurts', he explained. She should have known. Just a couple of days ago, he had been in a car crash. "I can go back in to get you some ibuprofen or something like that', she offered. Lando nodded, but when he casually looked in the rear mirror his face got really pale.

"What?', Tatiana asked, tension flying through her body. Lando didn't answer, but backed up and drove away. "How did they find us?', he said in panic.
Tatiana looked behind her and sighed in relief. "Relax, kid', she said. "It's just a car that looks like the one that was following us. We're stopping early today', she took her phone out of her pocket and reserved a hotel in Belgium. She then set the GPS on the location of the hotel and read some news.

"Shit', she mumbled. "What?', he sounded curious. "Lots of articles about you, mister famous', she sighed and clicked on an article.
Her eyes flew over the words and her heart started racing. "That bitch!', she said frustrated. She put out her phone and threw it behind her, on the back row of the car. "Put on the mask', she said while giving Norris the mask.

He took it without complaints and put it on. It was silent for a couple of minutes. A new song came on and Lando started humming. Tatiana smiled, not a big grin as usual, but a little smile. She turned the volume up and watched the driver in the corner of her eye.
As if he knew she was looking at him he started to sing along: "No need to ask he's a smooth operator. Smooth operator.' She couldn't help but laugh. "What?', he said offended. "It's just- nothing', she shook her head and looked through the window. They were back on the highway.

The sun had fully risen and it was quite busy on the highway. It seemed like it was going to be a beautiful day, but her mood was killed because of Norris' panic earlier that day. Had he really seen those mafiosi? Her right hand went to the pocket of her black jacket and when her fingertips brushed over the flash drive she let out a deep breath of relief.
The rest of the ride she played the songs that Lando requested, and when he wasn't looking she checked the rear mirror.


They quickly checked in to the hotel, at least she was trying to make it quick. But that annoying brat couldn't find her reservation. "Hier!', she said annoyed while showing her phone, where she had the reservation on. The man apologized but said he couldn't find it.
Tatiana tried to stay calm, but she was tired. And hungry, really, really hungry. "Get me my room, now', she said in Dutch. The man hurried to find a room and finally gave her the keys. She walked away annoyed, grabbed Lando's hand as was expected of them and walked away.

When they arrived there, Tatiana practically flew into her bed. She let out an enormous yawn and pulled the pillow under her face. "If you are going to sleep, then I'm going to take a shower', Lando said. Tatiana growled something back and turned around.
She heard the water clatter on the floor of the shower and mumbled: "I have to shower as well. So tired.' She was just going to let her eyes rest, that was all. She was not going to sleep, just resting her eyes.


She woke up from knocking. Her hand went to her pistol and she pointed it at the door. "Relax!', Lando said. "It's just room service', he opened the door and brought the food inside the room.
His hair was still wet and he was only wearing the pants he had been wearing the past three days. Tatiana looked away and tried to hide her red cheeks. But then she realized he wasn't wearing his mask.

When the door was closed again she hissed at him: "did he recognize you? Fool, you should've worn your mask!', "it's fine, relax.' He sighed and put the food on the little table that was in the corner of the room.
"Why don't you shower, so I can set op the food?', he proposed. She sighed and walked to the bathroom. Before closing and locking the door she cast one more glance in the drivers direction. Idiot

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