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He had signed the papers. Marc had taken him to a room and told him to rest. He could not sleep that night. Was Tatiana going to get fired? Was she going to jail? By the time somebody came to wake him up he had slept for half an hour. Without saying a word, they got into a car and drove of. It turned out that they were taking him to the nearest airport. After having to hide for so long he did not feel comfortable with that. "Shouldn't I go to a safety house?', he asked. The agent shook his head and replied: "there will be an agent in front of your house every minute. Everywhere where you'll go one of us will go.'
It hadn't taken that long before somebody noticed him. People pointed and some started to record, or call. Someone ran towards him and asked him if he was okay. He struggled to find the words. He had signed a contract that made him lie about that week. A group of people got around him, and others stopped to see what was going on. When the cops finally arrived, he told them a lame story about him wanting some rest after his car crash and leaving to a resort far away from the populated world. They believed him but told him that he couldn't just do that without checking out of the hospital. He got on the next plane home and had to do many, many interviews.


A couple of weeks later he was back on the grid. He got greeted warmly by nearly everyone. He had smiled when he had seen the car. He had only been gone for a month or something like that, but it felt like years ago!
He prepared for the race.–which he would start at p3- The formation lap started, and he felt the rush. After only two laps, one of the Alphatauri's was out. Everything was going great! He had to box, which went perfectly. But when he wanted to exit the pit lane he saw the red flag. "What happened?', he asked over the radio. "Er', the answer was. "What happened? Is he okay?', he asked again. "One of the Ferrari's... exploded', the reply was. His heard skipped a beat. "Who's car?', he asked, his voice shaking. "It seems to be Carlos' car', "is he okay?' No answer. "Is he okay?', he asked again. He did not know how much time passed, but when he was about to start yelling he got a reply. "He's out of the car, Lando! He's out',

The first thing he did when he got out of the car was looking for news about Carlos. How did it happen? Was he okay? Where were they taking him?
One of the pit crew members explained to him that the Ferrari team thought the engine exploded. A man bumped into him, but he was to focused on asking questions to say something. Somewhere behind him he heard a familiar voice yell his name.

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