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He did what she had asked of him. He waited behind her, quietly, with the mask on his face. Some people looked at him, weird expressions on their faces. He ignored them. Tatiana turned around and smiled at him. "On y va?', she asked on a tone he hadn't heard her talk. She stuck her hand out and waited, still smiling. He took her hand and looked at the people behind the check-in desk. What had she told them?
She squeezed in his hand to catch his attention and his gaze fixed back upon the large income hall.
They went into one of the elevators. The moment the doors closed Lando let go of Tatiana's hand. "What did you tell them?', he asked whilst looking at the elevator doors. "Nothing, they assume that we're a young couple. I'm not going to tell them that I Landonapped you', he looked at her, and this time he smiled at her joke. "Are you going to keep saying that?', he asked, a laugh sounding in his voice. "I am', she said with a grin on her face. Her eyes wandered and her grin faded. She looked at the little screen that displayed which floor they were on and grabbed his hand again.

He looked at their entwined hands. She avoided his gaze and they got out of the elevator when the doors opened again. They walked past other guests of the hotel, couples, families, but also loners. Some greeted them, others just walked past them.
Every time they were about to pass someone Lando suck in his breath, afraid they were going to recognize him. By the time they were at the room his heart was racing.

"Wait', he said. Tatiana waited impatiently and asked: "what?' "Are we going to... sleep in the same room?', he asked surprised. "Yes. I'm sorry I can't afford to pay for your one man suite, kid', she said while rolling her eyes. "Now get in here', she pulled him in the room and closed the door. "I'll sleep on the couch, no worries', she explained with a sigh. He wanted to protest but closed his mouth when he saw her pulling the cushions of the couch.
She pulled a bed out of the couch and smirked at him. He looked away and walked into the bathroom.


He couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about the accident, about the hospital, about that crazy woman with whom he was sharing a room in a hotel in France.
He looked at the alarm clock and sighed when he saw the time. Two in the morning. He sat upright and let his head support on his hands. Al his doubts ware racing in his mind like a storm. Well, as long as those guys wouldn't show up again he wouldn't really have to do anything dangerous.

Tatiana rolled over in the couch. She opened her eyes and looked at him. Her hand went to bedside table and a light snapped on.
"Can't sleep?', she asked. He shook his head. "Same', she sighed. "I'm so sorry', she said, emphasizing the 'so'. "I shouldn't have hidden the flash drive in your bag, I don't know what was wrong with me. But I will make sure that we arrive as soon as possible in Sweden and then the service will be able to protect you', her eyes shimmered. Was she crying?

That was the first time he actually did not see her as a crazy person. It seemed like she really was sorry for what she had done to him. "Alright, but no more calling me a kid. I'm an adult, you know?', he said, trying to cheer her up. "In your dreams', she snorted.
He rolled his eyes but laughed. "Well, now we're both awake -thank you for that by the way-', she said winking, "we could drink something. What do you want?', he looked at her in surprise. "Some milk', he said. She raised an eyebrow but didn't ask anything. "Okay then, I'll be right back', She stood up and took the key to the room.

Before she could close the door behind her Lando stopped her. "Give me the car keys', he said. Tatiana opened her mouth in disbelieve. "Fine', she said annoyed and she threw the keys at him.
He wasn't going to give her the chance to leave without him. He nearly caught the keys but missed. He looked up to check whether the spy had seen him miss the keys, but the door was closed.


Later that day, when they were back on the road, it was silent in the car again. They were stuck in traffic and Lando was bored. "Did I upset you or something?', he finally asked. The spy looked at him, her eyes spewed fire.
"You don't trust me, I understand', she said -to his surprise- calmly. "Fool me once, jokes on you. Fool me twice, jokes on me', he said while smiling. But when she didn't answer with a smile he stopped.
"We should stop talking', she said, suddenly tired. He looked at her in surprise. "My mission was simple: get that flash drive to Sweden. On the way I had to deal with you, alright. I can handle that. But I do not want to get attached to you', she explained.
He was stunned. She looked at him and said: "it's the same thing with animals, you don't give them a name because you don't want to get attached', he couldn't believe her. "I'm not an animal', he said. She looked at him. "I know. I should have explained different, my bad. I don't like people, so I don't talk with them and if I have to I don't mention their names', what kind of trauma did she have? When he opened his mouth to contradict her she shook her head. "I don't want to talk, kid', and that probably was going to be the last conversation of the day.

He looked through the window on his right and saw that the woman in the car next to them was staring at him. "Tatiana...', he said. "I do not want to talk about it!', she said annoyed. The mouth of the woman in the car next to them dropped. Yes, she had recognized him. "Tatiana, she recognized me', "what are you- Shit! Get in the back of the car, now!' She demanded. He hesitated. "Lando! Please!', he unbuckled and got to the back row. "Put on the mask', she threw it at him and he caught it.
She lowered the window and yelled something in French to the woman, who had also lowered her window. Her skin got pale and she yelled something back. The woman put her hands in the air and replied. Tatiana yelled something short and closed the window again.

She sighed and rubbed with her right hand over her face. "What did you tell her?', Lando asked, curious and shocked at the same time. "I told her not to look at my husband like that. She then explained that she thought she had seen Lando Norris. I explained that you looked like him but you weren't him. She apologized', she said in one breath.

"Did she really fall for that?', he said surprised. Tatiana looked at him. "You don't want me to go handle this my way, kid', she threatened. Lando swallowed.
In front of the car, the traffic finally started picking up the pace and they continued their trip. 

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