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He was furious. And scared. The spy, Tatiana, was angry as well. What was he doing? Was he really going to follow this crazy woman -Tatiana- into danger? Well, he wasn't going to sit back to do nothing and watch his friends get harmed. "Tell me where we are going', he said with a calm voice. His headache was finally gone. "Sweden', Tatiana sighed.
"What?', he said confused. "Are we driving all the way from Spain, to Sweden?', his voice struck out in disbelieve. "Yes', the spy said calmly. "Can't we just fly to Sweden?', he sighed. "Yes of course, why didn't I think of that?', she tapped her head with her hand and laughed. "How foolish of me! Let's just go to the airport, me, a normal girl, in the presence of a famous formula one driver that's now missing. Genius!', she tapped her head once again.

"Stop it', he looked away and crossed his arms. "We will not go with an airplane to Sweden. I don't want any media to see you, got that?', in the corner of his eyes he saw that she was looking at him. "Did you get that, kid?', she asked annoyed. He sighed but nodded. "Good', and that was the last thing they would say to each other for the next couple of hours.


When they finally stopped Lando got out of the car as quickly as he could. The spy growled and got out of her BMW as well. "Here', she said while throwing something at him. He caught it and looked at it. "A mask?', he said frowning.
Tatiana rolled her eyes and said: "did you really not hear me in the car? I don't want anybody to recognize you. Put the damn thing on, okay?' He put it on and followed her into the gas station. "Bonjour', the cashier said. Tatiana smiled and replied with the same. "Are you hungry?', she asked him. Landon shook his head. "I just want something to drink', he replied. Tatiana raised an eyebrow but nodded.
He watched her as she disappeared and sighed. What was he doing? If they were going to drive to Sweden, he could miss some races. When he opened his eyes again he noticed that the cashier was staring at him. Did she recognize him?

He looked around, looking for Tatiana. Just as the cashier opened her mouth to say something, the spy appeared again. She smiled at the other woman, but watched her movements closely. The cashier said something in French and Tatiana answered her. She paid and they left.
When he got back in the BMW Lando didn't dare to take of the mask. The spy was refueling the car quickly. Before getting back in she stretched. Without saying a word they drove off.

When they were back on the highway he finally took of the mask. "Did she recognize you?', she asked him, breaking the silence. "I don't know', he replied. "We'll stop in a couple of hours at a hotel. I want you to keep your mouth shut when we arrive and put that mask back on', she commanded.
He nodded. Tatiana's hand went to the screen of the car and she finally put on some music. Her eyes shifted to him. Was she checking whether he wanted music or not? He looked at the landscapes and let his mind wander. 

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