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She was feeling sleepy. She couldn't sleep in that hotel, with Norris near. She felt... guilty. She had pulled him out of his world, in hers. Without meaning to, but that would not change things.
Her eyelids were heavy. She put on some music and tried to stay awake by singing along. "It's time let's burn our bridges down. You'll need the heat, it's winter now. And it's my turn to freeze you, you can't have me halfway if I give what you gave, you'd burn', she stopped when she noticed the driver moving in the back of her BMW. She lowered the volume of the music and focused on the road again.

Sometimes she felt lonely, she didn't really have friends. She didn't have a partner, didn't need one, nor wanted one. But this guy... he kept her talking. He took her mind off of her worries. She hated it.
"You're awake', she said, "good. I just wanted to stop to eat something. Hungry?' The driver looked at her and shook his head. "I'm not hungry', he said. "Alright, than I'm going to have to eat gas station sandwiches on my own', she said as a joke. But she didn't smile.

What was she doing? This guy was just a witness, a guy she had endangered. She didn't have to entertain him. But she did. She enjoyed joking around, annoying him. Stop it! She thought. Don't get attached! Don't get al sentimental. He's an annoying guy you have to protect!
She got out of the car and refilled the tank. She then parked the car a little bit further and went to the store.

She bought some sandwiches, a coke and water. The cashier told her how much it would cost her and she paid. When she got back in the car she threw the water at the driver.
He nearly missed it. She sighed when she saw the drivers seat. "I'm going to eat my food outside, after that we'll leave', she told him. He nodded and opened the bottle. She closed the door of the car and sat on the ground.
She ate in silence and her thoughts wandered again. Suddenly Norris opened his door. "What are you doing?', she said with a mouth full of bread. "I'm driving, you're exhausted', he said. "I am not!', she said indignant. "You are', he opened the door and sat on the drivers seat. "Fine', she sighed.

She walked around the car and sat next to him, on the passengers seat. She ate the last bite of her sandwich and closed the door. He looked at her. "Well? Drive', she said annoyed. "I don't know our destination', he said with a smile on his lips.
He was right. She rolled her eyes and typed an address in the GPS. She then took her phone and texted one of her... contacts. He owed her something.

Lando put on the music again and his gaze shortly went to her face. She raised an eyebrow and he looked back at the road. "You have a nice voice', he said after a while. Tatiana's breath stopped for a moment. "I'm sorry I woke you up', she said while looking outside. It was busy on the highway. Maybe they should travel at night? No, if those guys found them they would be dead.
The driver would be dead, she could save herself. She looked in the rear mirror and back to the landscapes. She hummed along with the song that was currently playing. Lando looked at her and smiled. "Stop it', she said annoyed. "Alright', "you seem like a guy that easily makes friends, I'm a girl that doesn't have any friends. This', she pointed to him and herself, "is just because you're glued to me like... like...', great, now she was stuttering. "Didn't matter He didn't reply.

He took the exit to go on the next highway and Tatiana looked in the rear mirror. Shit. They were being followed. "Go right', she ordered the driver. "What?', "just do it!', she snapped at him.
He did as she said. She looked in the rear mirror again and saw the black car following them. "Shit', she said out loud. "What's wrong?', "shut up.' She unbuckled and crawled on the back row. "What are you doing?', "shut your yap, will ya?', she yelled at him. She opened her backpack and took her pistol out of it. She checked the magazine and put it back in the pistol.

She crawled back on the front seat and suck in a deep breath. "Alright, listen to me, we're being followed. I want you to stop here', she pointed at a location on the map of the GPS. "When we stop I want you to duck, and don't you dare to disobey me! This is about your life, so just listen', "maybe it's just a coincidence', he offered.
Tatiana looked in the rear mirror once again and shook her head. "I recognize the car, these are the guys that tried to shoot you', "they shot me?', he said in a high pitch. "Yes... that's how you crashed. Don't you remember?', he looked at her and his eyes were as big as teacups. "Doesn't matter, just do it', she ordered. He did as she said and she prepared herself for what was going to happen.

Lando stopped on the big, empty parking lot, unbuckled and ducked. "Shit, shit, shit', Tatiana said when she saw the black car getting on the parking lot. "Change of plans', she whispered. "Drive when I tell you to drive', her heartbeat sped up and she breathed shakily.
The driver didn't answer. She opened her door a little bit, her eyes focused on the black car. "Put my window down', she demanded. Norris did what she had asked him. She put one foot on the ground. The guys in the black car got out. Good. Lando's eyes were fixed on her. "Wait', she whispered. The guys stepped away from their car. She stuck her head out of the car and yelled: "hey guys! Is there a problem?' They looked at each other. Said something to each other. Nearly... "We're just checking something, nothing to be concerned about ma'am', one of them replied to her. "Oh they're cops', Norris said relieved. He sat back upright. The right guy looked at him. Shit! "Drive', she commanded. "What?', the driver squealed. "Drive', she said with gritted teeth.

The car left. Tatiana had just about enough time to get back in and close the door. "Hey!', one of the guys yelled. He pulled a pistol out of his jacket and pointed it to the car. "Damn bitch!', he yelled and he shot.
"Shit', she said. Lando shrieked and drove faster. She looked out of her window and pointed her pistol at the guy that had fired. She let out a breath and shot. Lando shrieked again and ducked. "Go to the highway, Lando. Now!', she yelled.

Those guys got back in their car. Lando listened and the car got back on the highway. "Don't drive to fast', she ordered him. "What?', he looked at her in panic. "Listen to me, just listen to me', she said, out of breath.
Her gaze went to the other side of the highway and she smiled. "Take that exit and get on that side of the highway', she instructed while pointing. "You are crazy', Norris sputtered.
But he listened. She looked in the rear mirror but didn't spot the black car. Good. The driver did as she had commanded him to do. They got in the traffic jam and Tatiana kept checking the rear mirror. When they were halfway she noticed the black car driving past them. Instead of taking the exit they kept driving straight. She let out her breath and finally relaxed. They survived. 

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