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The next day they skipped breakfast to go shopping. Tatiana insisted on it. "You need new clothes, and a brush', she had explained him. She then asked his size, because he couldn't go with her. He had skipped breakfast without a good reason... She was completely paranoid, but he told her his size and she was ready to go.
"Wait', she said. "I'll need the keys of my car', she looked at him. "Right', he said and he checked his pockets for the keys. There they were. He threw them in her direction and she caught them. He wondered if he should ask for the flash drive, to make sure that she wouldn't leave him behind. But by the time he had decided, she was gone. He got back in bed and put on the tv.


She did not come back. It was already getting dark and he was really hungry. He hadn't left the room, as she had asked him. But with every minute passing by, he wondered if he should have asked for that stupid flash drive.
Or maybe those guys had caught her. Maybe she was being tortured. Or she had shot them and was hiding the bodies. He swallowed. Tatiana had not paid for two nights, they should have left an hour ago.

The door swung open and Lando nearly fell out of the bed. Again. "Come', Tatiana said. She didn't have anything in her hands. "Where have you been?', he asked angrily. "Not the time, nor the place', she replied. "It is', he objected. "I'm sorry that I'm a little bit late, but we should get going', " a little bit late?' His voice raised to a high pitch. "You should have been here...', he looked at the alarm clock and sighed, "six hours ago!' "I had to use the bus', she hissed. "Why?', he said, more curious than angry. "They stole my car', she said embarrassed. "They stole the car?', he exclaimed. "Keep it down, will you? But yes, the car is gone', "what are we going to do?' He wondered out loud. She looked at him, an evil shine in her eyes. "You're not going to like this.'

"You're not going to like this' didn't even come close to what they were doing. They were taking the public transport. After everything Tatiana had done to keep hidden who he was, they were on the bus.
Somehow, her fear had jumped over to him. He couldn't sit still and was worried that they would notice him. It went fine.

When they got out of the bus Tatiana seemed like she was looking for something. Her eyes stopped at the sight of a Kia. "Come', she said. They crossed the street and she looked inside the Kia.
Her eyes scanned the environment and she took something out of her jacket. "What are you doing?', Lando asked. "Quiet', she hissed. Something clicked and she opened the door. She bent over in the car, causing him to only see her back. The car started and she smiled at him. "Get in', "are you stealing a car?' He asked with a high pitched voice. "Relax, I'll drop it of before we cross the border', she said. "Now get in', with an uncomfortable feeling he did what she demanded.

They hit the road again, but he was worried. He kept checking the rear view mirror to see if the cops were following them. They weren't. "Where have you been?', he asked her. "I went to a mall, to get you some clothes. I got back to my car and put your new stuff in it, but then I noticed what was on one of the screens in the shop where I had parked the car. I stepped away from my car, unlocked to take a closer look and when I turned around those idiots drove off', she explained. What had she seen that she had forgotten her car?
"So I'll have to go shopping, again. No worries, I'll come back', she sounded... sad. Was she angry with him, again? He tapped with his fingers on the door of the car. "I get that you are nervous, so am I. But we'll be out of here before the cops know that this is a stolen car', she was annoyed. Because he was worried. "Are you having second thoughts?', she asked quietly. He looked at her and nodded. "This is way more dangerous and crazy than I had expected', he confessed. "I can drop you off like right now. They will recognize you and you could leave this behind you. But you wouldn't really be safe. Your choice', her voice sounded neutral.

For the rest of the ride, Lando was actually considering to ask her to drop him off. Was it worth it risking his life to deliver that flash drive? Was it worth it that he would quit because he got scared and his friends would die?
"Why did you put it in my bag?', he asked, breaking the silence. "Because I had to hide it somewhere', the spy sounded surprised. "No, why did you hide it with me', she opened her mouth and closed it again. "Because it was the nearest building', she whispered.

A stupid coincidence, that was what caused all of this. "I'm sorry, alright. I know it was stupid and I should have kept it', "can you please leave me alone for a couple of minutes?' He turned away from her and looked outside. The moon stood high in the sky between the clouds and it was pretty empty on the highway. "Okay', Tatiana whispered. She drove until they were at the border and she met with one of her contacts. They got into the new car, she set up the GPS and he drove until the sun started to rise again. 

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