Whispers of War (james pov)

Comenzar desde el principio

That's how I was left looking for the boy I like so much. Bellatrix was obviously telling him something he didn't agree with, but he wouldn't ever protest I know that.

Regulus was always going to reluctantly listen to his family, he would always think he was the problem not them. Looking back I should have known the beautiful boy I loved so much at his core belonged to another but I didn't. when I saw him with his cousin on the train station I told myself that by the end of the year I would have him back he would come to mine and we could live happy and free. Maybe even live out of the war. I thought he would fucking leave for me. I knew he would. I hate it when I am wrong.

"James." Sirius said his hand was still resting on my shoulder.

I blinked back only now remembering the state of my realty "Uh hey?"

Sirius scoffed and gave a quick look over my shoulder "be careful when you talk to him." I could feel myself relax under his hand "he'll be different at first. He's still in there remember that he is just deep."

"Thanks pads." He smiled and walked back, slipping into a compartment. I huffed and went back to looking. When I did find him, he was at the end of the train alone. It was the same compartment I found him in the year before, the blinds though were not drawn, Leo not yet out of his carrier, regulus just sat in the middle of the bench looking ahead. I didn't knock, I just came in sitting accost from him knowing the only way I might be able to get him to look at me.

His eyes were still glazed over and empty in the most haunting sort of way. "Hi love." I whispered taking out my wand closing the blinds. It took him a moment before respond with no feeling in his tone "hi." I somehow knew not to touch him. I don't know why I knew that.

"They didn't touch me." he claimed barley looking at me and fidgeting with his hands. His posture being perfect as if he didn't know how to relax anymore, there were bags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in a month at least. My heart burned inside my chest.

"I would kill them if they did."

His gaze drifted to his hands "I don't know why, not one curse or hex, not a single cut or bruise. Why? They always did it to Sirius why not..."

"Hey reg look at me." he did "You did nothing wrong okay you were perfect. You are safe love, your safe." I burned to reach out and take him in my arms shielding him from the world, I wished I could protect him, but he was already stained.

He blinked back looking like a lost puppy in a way "I don't feel like it. I can still feel them over my shoulder." I could feel tears begin to form.

"They are gone."

He scoffed that being the most emption he showed "until next summer."

"I won't let you go back next summer."

"You say that now."

"I mean it."

He looked out the window as the train began moving it took him a second to get the next few words out but when they did it felt like acid on my skin "I wish you didn't have to."

"I know."

"I wish you didn't mean it." My heart broke then but I tried to tell myself he didn't mean it he couldn't mean it reg my reg wouldn't mean it, he wouldn't say that.

"You know that's not true." I tried.

"But it is." he insisted.

"Reg, what happened?" I coked out as tears bean falling but I played them no notice, trees and mountains blurred outside the window regulus would look at me, but his demeanor slipped as he choked out squeezing his eyes shut "I'm so sorry," one tear fell "I'm so fucking sorry."

To Let it All go Down in Flames  - jegulus/starchaserDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora