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Oh, wow.

Saiki kusuo X Male!reader

My motivation has been scaling down to the pits of the Atlantic ocean because I swear my writing style has completely ran down the drain.

I've been thinking about cosplaying Saiki for a while now and I might actually do it next month, since I have way too many cosplans and wanna narrow it down to ones I've always wanted to do. (My hobbies are inconsistent and I don't focus on just one for a certain amount of time which is terrible and I'm wasting time by doing nothing),

speaking of which I've been obsessing with Tokyo Revengers way much to care about anything else which is why I disappear and return every few months.



"Will you please just get that striped blazer and stop debating?" My twin brother hissed while looking up from his phone. I've been staring at this piece of clothing for the past five minutes and I cannot decide between the striped one or the plaid one.

My eyes trailed to his small figure. We both had our fashion sense, his wardrobe consisting of goth-ish style while mine... Was all over the place. I change styles for a living, I'm way too detached. "You think so? I guess I should listen to you then." I could feel my lips pressing into a thin line before I nodded and went to pay for it at the cashier, my twin brother; Kaidō, following me after putting his phone in his pocket.

He nudged me with a small smile while the woman at the cashier was removing the plastic detector from the fabric. "How about I get us some shakes on the way home? Or do you wanna check other stores out beforehand?"

Tilting my head as I heard him out, I gradually nodded and mirrored his smile- my light-blue hair falling just slightly Infront of my eyes. "Shakes sound nice."

Eventually the woman put the material in a plastic bag and gave it to me before bowing.
I returned that bow and waved goodbye, walking side-by-side with Shun out of the store.

As we walked, a sight yet to behold... There was a crowd, and one could only assume why that was.

Teruhashi Kokomi.

I could feel myself slightly frowning but tried to quickly hide it up so I wouldn't get into any trouble with other guys.

Shun, on the other hand, was also fawning over that pretty girl like some fanboy.

A sweat trickled down my temper at the sheer idiocy. Is it really so normal for these guys to be this head over heels for a highschool girl?

I could feel a sudden stare at me from behind which made a shiver run down my spine; turning around to see who that was, there it was, Saiki Kusuo.

A smile crept to my lips, and I couldn't help it really, yet I turned around again only to find Teruhashi right up in my personal space.

I don't hang around my twin brothers group at all, I merely know Saiki because he came to our house a few times. But who doesn't know Teruhashi Kokomi?

With a bright, everlasting smile, the girl had her hands behind her back as she leaned in closer. "Hi there! I'm Teruhashi Kokomi, you must be Kaidō-kun's brother, Y/n-kun, right? Assuming from your facial features!"

I could feel my brother's gaze on me and Teruhashi, and I knew my brother enough to know that he was slightly jealous but not worried.
After all...

"Yeah, we're twins." I nodded at her assumption, shifting the weight from one leg to another as I held back the urge to just bid her farewell and walk away already.

'Weird, the usual reaction should've been 'oh wow!'... What the hell?! Every boy's reaction should be 'oh wow!', this isn't right! Is he like Saiki-kun's brother?! No, I shouldn't assume, maybe he's just shy!'
The blue haired girl thought... Her thought process having impact on her inner self because she was raging on the inside because Y/n merely didn't have a reaction to her beauty.

And Saiki was questioning the same thing. 'Y/n is no psychic to know Teruhashi's inner thoughts, so why wasn't he reacting, actually?'

Since I wasn't getting a response from the girl I looked around and signaled for my brother for us to continue walking to which he gave me a quick nod in short.

"U-uhm, you know it's not so polite to ignore a girl, Y/n-kun!" She followed the both of us, turning on her heel to block my way now once again.

Why was this girl already on a first name basis? I could only frown in response as my eyes lowered.
"Is there something I could help you with?"

Teruhashi was absolutely appalled that he was being so nonchalant, she would almost grit her teeth together.
Saiki was in fact amused by Y/n's facade, he didn't know the exact reason of why he didn't swoon for Teruhashi like any other guy, but he was liking Y/n for it. The second person he would respect after Satou due to that boy's normality.

"Oh- well... I was wondering if you were interested on going to a café together!" She tried to offer, a cheerful smile painting her previous nervous expression. Oh, how Y/n was breaking Teruhashi...
Saiki could almost feel himself ghostly grinning from ear to ear from the enjoyment of the situation.

Shun eyed me with an awkward smile as I looked back at him with a grimace.

And from that reaction alone. Teruhashi was mortified. Why was he not reacting to her?!

Shifting my gaze back to the girl, I gave her an apologetic smile with a small bow, rejecting her offer, "I'm sorry, Teruhashi-san, but I'm gay."


Twitch. Twitch.

'oh, wow.'
Teruhashi and Saiki thought simultaneously, one with a shocked expression and the other with a smirk.

You could only guess which is which, because Saiki... Felt proud, oddly enough. And a weird sensation sort of like dopamine rush through his brain, because his face was feeling warm;

The image that Y/n just had thought of in his head about blowing air into a boy's ear made Saiki's heartbeat hasten.

The image that Y/n just had thought of in his head about blowing air into a boy's ear made Saiki's heartbeat hasten

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